part 21: a... mirror?

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"Alright, you guys! you're getting better and better with each take!" amethyst praised as you dislodged your horns from an old mattress, shaking the dust from your hair while spinel huffed, wiping a layer of dust off her brow while spitting some bits of dirt that was tossed up during the impact.

today, amethyst had taken the time to train you and spinel in her room while Steven and the others did their own things. you started simply, by charging into things and using your energy orbs to obliterate while spinel used her elasticity skills, but the main attack she used were enlarged fists, which were pretty cool.

next, you both used the random objects scattered about the room to see what weapons you were good at using.

thanks to your rather bulky shape, you were rather cumbersome with some objects you used, often tripping over yourself due to your lengthy time spent on all-fours. but after time, you were quite skilled with (melee/ranged) weapons after a bit of practice. you also had tremendous amounts of strength, so anything massive and/or solid could be used as your ammo to throw.

and spinel was INCREDIBLE with melee weapons. bladed ones to be specific. with her precise swinging, graceful movements and quick moving, she was quite an opponent! coupled with her ability to stretch and evade, she nearly peaked over pearl's graceful swiftness! it was actually kinda scary...

to think, this is just training.

how would she be going all out?

amethyst made sure to keep you both on your toes by throwing random objects up into the air while you and spinel tried to hit them with everything you could muster. after all, there will likely always be a moving target.

amethyst claps and rubs her hands together. "great job team!" she stretches her arms over her head and yawns. "time for a break." she stated, gesturing you to the door. after lifting the goggles up from your eyes, you exit the room with spinel in your withers. "be back in a bit for round two!" amethyst called as the door shut.

spinel gave you a little pat on the head. "I gotta say, (name), you and I make a great team!" she raised her fists, a determined glint shining bright in her eyes, which now had a nice magenta color to them. "no monster would stand a chance against us now!" she threw a few jabs at nothing before letting out a bubbly giggle. "Look out for the dynamic gem duo, (name) and spinel!" you purred in your throat as you walked into the living room, turning to the kitchen for some to snack on... only to find it cluttered in a bunch of... books and supplies like pencils, papers, even a DESK all gathered in that small kitchen. um? Steven caught your stare and quickly waved to you both, smiling brightly. "(name)! spinel!" pearl turns to you and offers a warm smile. "you're just in time for school!"

your face contorts into a look of complete and utter CONFUSION. "sckuol?"spinel repeated sloppily, face wrinkled in confusion. "what the stars is sckool?" Steven thought hard for a moment then shrugged. "I... don't know..." he admitted before pumping his fists into the air. "but I'm about to find out!" pearl's uncertain gaze slid across the piles of supplies as you approached, picking up a book and contemplating it. "so.. how do we start our school...?" Steven's eyes widened in realization. "I... I don't know!" his fists flopped to his sides. "this is everything connie told me!" he facepalmed himself. "why do I never ask follow-up questions?!" you look up from the cover to look at your suddenly distressed buddy with concern. "who will teach little Stevie now??"

pearl suddenly gasps, startling spinel into dropping her book onto your head. "TEACH YOU?!" she exclaimed, suddenly excited. "Steven! if only I had known that's what you really wanted!" she arises and begins to perform some type of dance for a brief moment, her gem igniting into a bright light, summoning what looks like a mirror from her gem. a simple looking mirror, with an extravagant blue tear like shape on the back. "We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp," she explained as it levitated mid-air. "It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history." your eyes went wide for a moment. "like phone?" pearl chuckled and pats your head. "no, no, it's MUCH better than that." the mirror lowers into Stevens hands. "It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture." your eyes glimmered from behind your bangs as well as spinel as you both went 'oooooooohhh' in unison.

Steven offered you the mirror, in which you sniffed curiously. you, spinel and Steven peeked into it, and snickered. "we must be incredibly important to gem culture." spinel rubbed her chin smirking. "not half bad if I do say so myself." pearl scoffs in amusement. "that's just you 3 in there," she explained. "it hasn't been activated yet." she clears her throat and directs her attention into the mirror. "show us the galaxy warp."


she blinks at the lack of response before speaking again, only more firm. "show. us. the galaxy warp."

still nothing.

pearl groamed in frustration. "Oh come on!"

she suddenly snatched the mirror into her grip, lifting Steven up with it. "I know you've seen it!" she sneers into the mirror, examining it. "mirror broken?" you asked, slightly disappointed. pearl gave the mirror a brief once-over before sighing. "it appears so." she concluded, setting Steven back down. "what a shame." Steven admires himself in the mirror, smiling in his usual goofy manner. "doesn't seem broken to me!" pearl shrugs. "oh well... I guess that's the end of our school." Steven stops his self-admiration and smiles up at pearl. "so... you could say... school's out for the summer?" pearl rolled her eyes with a warm smile. "yes. good Steven," she replied. "there are many ways to say the same thing." Steven gasps happily. "school's out!" he tugs at your fur excitedly. "come on, guys!" he exclaims, laughing as he ran out the door, leaving you all in a very confused silence.

"...I don't get sckool." spinel muttered out loud, as you slowly trotted out after the boy, leaving pearl with her pile of school junk.

neither do I...

"school's out! happy summer vacation, steven!" he exclaimed, running down the sandy beach, with you and spinel following suit. he starts to run backwards. "happy summer vacation, (name)!" he cheered, earning a dopey grin from you. "happy summer vacation, spinel!" he called to the gem, who waved back at him, laughing. "happy summer vacation, steven!" she replied cheerfully. Steven then spreads his arms out in a blind elation. "HAPPY SUMMER VACATION BEACH CITY!"


"HEY!" your eyes widened as Steven rammed back first into the big donut employees from the other day, knocking over a table they were setting up. the Lars boy growled in annoyance. "uuugh, watch where you're going you little f--"


his gaze slide to you, who had curled your lips into a snarl at the use of his tone towards your little friend, and almost instantly put on a false air of friendliness. "--Steven!" Steven stepped back, resting his back again you chest. "sorry! I'm just so excited for summer." he explained. "are you excited for summer? I'm so excited for summer!" sadie giggles at the cute child's excitement. "Uh, I think I'm as excited as I can get about setting up extra seating for the summer rush." she replied casually. "But Lars has big plans." Lars straightened up, wearing a cocky grin. "You bet I do!" he took on a rather sultry tone. "All those out-of-town summer babes traveling away from home without their boyfriends, if you know what I mean." he jitters his brows at the last part, causing you to scrunch up your face in minor revulsion. you didn't fully understand what he meant, but the tone he used made you mildly uncomfortable. Steven of course was innocently staring past the boy, the implement flying over his head. "..nope."

Lars was quick to explain. "maybe I'll get a few numbers..." he grinned. "maybe I'll even.. call one." you snorted, causing a frown from the boy. "well. yeah." sadie laughed. "maybe I'll meet a new friend." a smile exploded across Steven's face. "That's a great idea! A special new friend to have fun on the beach with in the summer." he looked at you and spinel. "Maybe if I keep using the mirror to guide me, I'll walk backwards into my own beach-summer-fun buddy!" with that he looks back down to the mirror and walks backwards again. "next time you see me," Lars called. "I'll be on the arm of a hot woman!" you snort again in amusement before turning to follow steven, spinel waving to the duo as you did.

"I don't like the way that thing looked at me..." he barely muttered.

Enough of the fluffy fillers, back to the action.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя