part 60: a cryptic comeback

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Lovely. I haven't been here in a while...

You purred to yourself, smiling in overwhelming delight and relief, recognizing the lovely flower-filled meadow dreams from many nights ago. You sighed with much contentment, taking a few sniffs at the fragrant scented air, a pleased hum rumbling in your throat.

you trotted forward, dipping your head to sniff at the soft, colorful flowers, before plopping down, rolling and basking it the soft texture before coming to a stop and just resting in the colorful plants contently.

Excellent.... this is a nice change in pace after everything that's transpired recently....

You laid there for an extended period of time, just content with listening to the rustle of leaves and the gentle breeze of the sun warmed wind in your fur. After a while, you roll over onto your belly with a huff, resting your chin on your forearms with a grumble. It's been getting real crazy since I've come here... especially with these new feelings of protection I've acquired.

You frowned slightly, remembering the fear in your teammates' eyes. But... that shouldn't be a bad thing now... is it? While it wasn't one of your proudest moments, you couldn't deny that it set them somewhat straight. You narrowed your eyes, letting yourself drift deeper into your thoughts. ...come to think of it, I've been starting to uncover more about myself than I thought since I've come here. You hum to yourself, resting your cheek on your arm. I feel like I'm getting closer... You ran through the events, from meeting the lazuli gem and homeworld to the recent maternal attacks you've had on the CGs. And yet, when you try to look further into these details, it all hits a wall. Ugh... so close, yet so far...

With a soft huff, you lift your head to look ahead of you, only to find none other than that beautiful pink rose blossomed right in front of you, swaying softly in the warm breeze. Initally, your eyes were wide in surprise at its sudden reappearance. but the more you stared at it, the less surprising it became. Should've known I'd see you again... you thought tiredly, resting your chin on your forearms. In fact, you couldn't help but feel as if it knew your predicament.

Absentmindedly, you gently prodded the glowing gemstone in the center of the blossom, tracing the petals with a clawed finger. With a tired huff, you rested your head in one hand, while you gently fiddled with the plant's petals with the other. "How close is (name) coming to her past?" You asked with a sigh, shutting your eyes, not really expecting an answer from it, and instead opted to continue to tamper it it's soft petals.

...more than you realize.

Your eyes shot wide open, your head lifting in surprise. While you remember that it can indeed speak... you don't remember it giving a direct, almost immediate answer like that before... "what... what else is (name) missing?"

No answer.



You whined in impatience, staring hard at the pink plant. Come on! Desperately, you leaned forward and pressed your muzzle against the gemstone center in an attempt to make it react somehow, however, instead of the sweet, fruit-like scent the rose normally had, this aroma was rather sharp, and carried a mildly bitter undertone to it.

You paused, a squinting your eyes slightly at the odd aroma. You remember it from somewhere. It was a scent you often identified in that Big Donut Place.

Sniffing again, you sneer in confusion.

Is that...


(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now