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Marylin POV

I sit in front of my mirror and carefully apply my scarlet red lipstick. It was a gift from my friend Nancy, she claims it is the perfect complement to my hair. Next, I apply a rather faint eyeshadow; less tends to be considered more nowadays. I style my hair making sure that it has just the right amount of volume, no man wants a woman with flat hair. I glance at the clock. It reads 6:15, George will be here soon. I return my attention back to the mirror giving myself a proper look over.

"Marylin, a nice boy appears to be calling for you. Pick up the phone dear." I hear my mom call to me from downstairs.

I reach over to grab the phone from my bedside and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer expectedly.

"Hello Marylin, its George," George says, sounding slightly out of breath.

"George? Are you alright, you sound winded?" I ask.

"Yes, well kind of. Can we move our date back to 7:30? My mom has caught a flat tire, she phoned me as I was leaving to meet you for our date." He says.

"Of course, George. I think it is wonderful that you are going to help your mom. If we need to push it back further or reschedule entirely, please just give me a ring. Family is the most important." I say.

"Thank you Marylin for understanding. I will be there soon." He says.

He hangs up before I can even respond. I place the phone down on the receiver. I glance at myself in the mirror. I may have gotten all dolled up for nothing.

Alma POV

I glance at myself in the mirror and look over my outfit. I am wearing a black checkered dress and my best pair of oxfords. I step closer to the mirror and move stray pieces hair into place making sure that I look perfect. I sigh. I have never been the kind of girl who has been overly concerned with her appearance, but I feel the need to look perfect for George. He deserves my best, especially after what I have done to him and what I need to tell him tonight. My hand wanders down my torso and stops on my belly. It's still flat but it won't be for much longer. I steal a glance at the clock 6:15, I need to leave now if I want to get to the meadow on time. My parents are out of town and all my siblings are out with friends so I get to drive my dad's car tonight. I go to leave my room when I hear a knock on my window. I can't help the smile that takes over my face. I rush over to window thinking it must be George. When I pull up the curtain I am surprised and slightly saddened to see James standing there instead.

"James?" I ask.

"Hi, Alma." He says out of breath.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I am saving you the trouble of going all the way to the meadow for George to not even show up." James says.

"He isn't going to show up?" I ask feeling my heart sink.

"No, he has a date tonight." He says.

"Date?" I say thinking out loud.

My heart shatters and I feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Yeah, I can explain. Can I come in?" He asking looking past me and into my room.

"Yes." I say.

I open the window wider and step back, allowing him to climb in.

He climbs through the window and hesitates when he sees my bedroom door open.

"Don't worry no one is home and they won't be for a while. But I'll close the door and you can make yourself comfortable." I say.

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