Memorable Night

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George POV

"This is it." I say as I pull up to the family cabin in Monticello.

I put the car in the park and look at Alma who seems to be stunned at the structure in front of us.

"Wow its really nice." She says.

"And secluded. I doubt that anyone is around here. It usually doesn't get really busy until the summertime. At least that's when families that live near our cabin come here." I say.

I open the door and climb out of the car. I run around the car and open the car door for Alma. I take her hand and help her out of the car. She gives me a light-hearted smile. We make our way to the door. I pull the key out of my pocket and unlock the door. It swings open and the door hinges emit a small screech. Before Alma can step inside I lift her up and carry her over the threshold.

She laughs as I put her down and she asks "What are you doing? Aren't newly married people suppose to do that?"

"Just practicing for the future," I say and then wink.

She goes to protest and I kiss her before she can. She wraps her arms around me and I pull her closer to me. I let my hand slide down her waist and to her butt. I give it a playful squeeze and she lets out a gasp. I laugh against her lips and she pulls away.

"I should make dinner for you tonight. " She says.

I don't reply. I just peck her lips.

"Being that this is gonna be my responsibility when I am your wife. You know just practicing for the future." She says

I smile and say "Ok, let me grab the grocery out of the trunk and bring it inside."

Alma POV

I clear away the now empty plates and used silverware from the table and bring them over to the sink.

As I place the dishes into the sink I hear George say from behind me "Dinner was wonderful Alma."

I turn the sink on and begin to wash the dirty dishes in the sink. I feel George wrap his arms around me and I let myself relax in his arms.

He places his face really close to mine and whispers in my ear "I could get used to this."

His breath tickles my ear and I almost lose grip on the plate in the sink.

"Careful now. We wouldn't want you to break any plates." He whispers and kisses my neck.

I close my eyes and let out an involuntary moan. I feel him smirk against my neck.

I try to get a hold of myself as I finish up the dishes. However, George keeps pulling me closer and kissing my neck. I don't know what it is that he does to me but he makes me feel some type of way. Not just sexually, but emotionally. I am in love with him in ways that I don't quite know how to put into words. However, if I were to try to I would say that loving him feels like the stroke of midnight on New Years Day. A brief second of newness, where anything and everything is possible.  Or maybe that loving him feels like a wishing well, where I throw him valuable pieces of myself and in return, I get back more than I had hoped for. Or maybe just maybe; loving him is like a 6 am sunrise; where he is the sun and I am the darkness. And when the sunlight kisses the dark horizon it shows that something beautiful can be made of light and darkness coming together.

I am taken out of my thoughts by him saying "Ok, you are putting up a really good fight. I have a trick that you won't be able to resist."

I feel him let go of me and hear his footsteps quickly exit the kitchen. As I dry the last plate and place it into the cabinet I see him quickly make his way across the kitchen and towards me with long strides. I watch as he places a small radio onto the countertop. He turns it on and the sounds of static bounces off the kitchen walls. After a few attempts at finding the right station; suddenly a radio personals voice booms in the kitchen.

"And now for all the lovers out there; Paul Anka, Put Your Head Shoulder."

George reaches out his hand and asks "May I have this dance?"

I laugh and say "Of course."

We get close and begin to sway to the music. As the words pour smoothly out of the speakers and fill the kitchen I rest my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat, and with each beat, I fall deeper in love. He pulls away so that I am at arm's length and he gives me to twirl. I smile and then he pulls me close. I look into those beautiful blue eyes that I fell in love with. They are bluer than a cloudless Southern sky. He smiles and I mirror him.

He moves his face closer so that it is only inches from mine and says "I love you."

"I love you too. " I say.

Our lips meet and we kiss passionately.

He pulls away and says "Up."

I jump and he catches me. I wrap my legs around his torso as he carries me. Our lips meet as he stumbles out of the kitchen, through the living room and into the bedroom. He puts me down near the bed. We rush to take our clothes off and then our lips meet again. We use our bodies to show we love each other in ways that words fail to be able to express.

George POV

I am awakened from sleep for a reason I am unsure of. I feel something on my arm and chest. With the light from the moon streaming in through the bedroom window, I look down and see Alma sleeping peacefully beside me. I pull her a little closer and close my eyes to go back to sleep.

Suddenly the bedroom door slams open and the light is turned on. Both me and Alma jolt awake.

"What the hell is going on her George?!" My dad booms.

I sit up straight while Alma rushes to get her clothes but is still trying to cover her naked body with the bedsheet.

"George what the hell are you doing in bed with a n*gga?!" My father yells again.

I steal a quick glance at Alma who is tripping over herself and the bedsheet fearfully getting her clothes on. Then back at my dad who looks like he is angry enough to commit murder, which he would very easily get away with. I am not worried about myself or my consequences. Instead, I am worried about Alma. I promised I would protect her, and here I am breaking my promise.

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