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Alma POV

I lay naked on top of George's bare chest while the night sky hangs low and heavy above us. The only sounds to be heard are the chorus of crickets and the gentle breeze weaving through the tall grass around us. The starry night sky hanging above us is the only thing able to see us here in the meadow. We finished making love a long time ago but I haven't found the desire to remove myself from George and put my clothes on. I can't tell if its because I love the way his skin feels so bare and exposed on mine, or how much clearer his steady heartbeat sounds when I press my ear to his bare chest. Suddenly the wind blows a little harder and I shiver. I go to remove myself from Georges to get dressed, but his arms wrap around me pulling me back to him.

"George." I say in protest.

"No, lay with me." He says gently.

"I have been laying with you all day." I say playfully.

"Just a little while longer." He says as he stares up at the stars.

"You know it's getting late and I need to get back soon. I told my parents I wouldn't get back too late on Sunday. They think I'm with friends from school and I promised they would have me back at a decent hour." I say as I go to try to get up again.

"No, please just a little longer." He says as his arms envelop me.

I fall back down to his chest, caving under the weight of his arms. I take my right palm and gently place it against his cheek. I gently run my thumb under his black eye.

"George." I say.

"Please, Alma." He says with his eye still glued to the sky.

"Look at me." I say.

He looks down at me and his eyes are plagued with sadness.

I slide up his body so that my lips are only inches from his.

"Everything is gonna be ok." I murmur against his lips.

I give his lips a gentle peck. Suddenly he sits up and my body moves with his. I adjust myself on the way up so that I am sitting beside him.

He looks away and says "No it won't."

"George?" I say.

He doesn't say anything. He just remains silently looking away from me.

I take my hand and slip it under his chin. I turn his head so that his looking at me. To my surprise, I see his eyes filled with tears. For a second I watch as they well up, spillover and roll down his cheeks.

I instinctively wipe them away and then ask "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

He doesn't say anything he just looks at me as the tears begin to roll faster down his cheeks.

"George. I know things seem really bad right now and scary, but I know everything is gonna be-." I start.

"No! No Alma everything is not going to be alright." George blurts out.

I gasp as I am taken by surprise by his sudden outburst.

"You keep saying that but it's not true. You don't get it to do you?" He says.

I just stare at him still consumed with awe at his sudden outburst.

"This is probably the last time we will ever lay in this meadow. The last time we will ever make love and last time I will feel your skin on mine as we lay together. Hell, this may be the last I am ever this close to you!" He says as he begins to cry harder.

I still sit there frozen.

"I asked you to run away with me and you won't. All I want is you and all you want is to stay here in this demented town. They will never let us be together. Not here. We could drive up north to Washington D.C and get married! Start a family and spend the rest of our lives together. " He says as he chokes down his tears.

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