The Start of Something Beautiful

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Alma POV

It's been two whole days since that night in the meadow, and I can't seem to get that kiss out of my head. As I stand next to the phone in the kitchen, I can feel my heart pounding as stare at the number in my notebook. I waited until Saturday morning to call him because that's the only time my house is empty. I also thought that after that night he would start walking by me on his way to school but I haven't seen him since. I take a deep breath, dial the number and hope that he is the one who answers the phone.

George POV

We are all eating brunch in the dining room when the sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen breaks the conversation that my family is having.

"Now who could be calling?" My mother asks.

"Maybe it's a department, you know the guys don't know how to do anything without me." My father says as he goes to stand up.

My mom places her hand on his arm stopping him from standing up all the way.

She says "Come on Will, you promised to spend time with me and Sadie today. "

"Yeah daddy, you're supposed to take us to the park. You promised." My little sister Sadie replies.

"Ok, George go answer it and see if it's the boys. If so say I already left for the park." My father says.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

I lift the phone off the receiver and say "Hello."

For a second I don't hear anything so I say it again "Hello?"

"Hi, um- i-is George home?" A familiar voice says on the other end of the line.

"This is George speaking," I reply

"Hi, George it Alma" Alma says.

I smile and feel my cheeks beginning to turn a light shade of pink.

"Hi, Alma. What a wonderful surprise. I didn't think you would call." I say truthfully.

"Well, I haven't seen you." Alma says.

"I mean we can change that if you want?"

I don't hear her answer because my father calls from the kitchen "Who's on the phone."

I remove my ear from the phone and say "A friend from school."

"Ok, well you finish it up, you are eating with your family." My dad calls back.

"Look, Alma meet me in the back of your school parking lot at 3. I'll pick you." I say

Before she can even reply I place the phone back on the receiver and return to the table and say "Sorry. It was Jimmy, he wants to meet up at 3."

"Ok, but you know the rules. No phone calls until after you're dismissed from the table." My father says.

"Now come finish breakfast." My mom says.

Alma's POV

My wristwatch strikes 3 as I make my way across to the vacant lot behind my school to meet Goerge. As I turn the corner, I see George in his red car sitting there waiting for me. He is playing with the radio with his head down as I continue to make great stride to his car.

"Hi George," I say when I am close enough to his car.

His head shoots up and he gives me a wide smile. He hops out of the car and opened the door for me and says "Hello Alma.

I climb into his car and he gets into the driver seat. We take off out of the parking lot and down a back road.

"I was so surprised you called me," George says.

"Me too." I say under my breath.

He looks at me, gives me a grin, turns his attention back on the road and says "So, I'm not too bad, am I? You called so I must have done something right."

I lightly roll my eyes and say "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

He ignores me and asks "Was it my charm or dashing good looks that got you?"

Before I can respond he says "No it was my dance moves and way with words."

I roll my eyes real hard now and he turns to me raising his eyebrows up an down with a lopsided smile.

I retort back "No, I think it's your modesty that really gets me."

He laughs in spite of himself and I can't help but chuckle.

Then his face goes serious and he says "No, it was that kiss. Definitely the kiss."

I go quiet and I can tell he is looking at me as we approach the stop sign. I won't look at him because I feel this sense of cheekiness boil up in me.

He smiles and says "That's it. It was a kiss. You have gone all quiet on me so that must be the case."

I don't look at him as he pulls away from the stop sign instead I turn my gaze to the passenger window to hide the smile on my face. It was a kiss. Most definitely the kiss. I can't stop thinking about it.

George's POV

We laugh and talk as we enjoy our picnic in my favorite spot.

Before taking a bite of her sandwich she says "I see why you like to come here. It is beautiful, even in the daylight."

"Not as beautiful as you," I say.

She smiles as she bites into the sandwich. She turns her head to the side as she chews.

I chuckle and she turns to face me.

There are some crumbs on the corner of her lips. So, I lean in and say "You have something on your lips."

I lean close enough so that i am only inches away from her face. I gently wipe the crumbs away and say "All clear now."

Before moving away our eyes meet and we stay there. Our lingering gazes locked onto eachother.

"Do it." She says.

I place my hand onto her cheek and say "what?"

"Go on. Kiss me." She says.

I smile and then close the space between us. Our lips move in sync, and not to sound cheesy or anything but I swear it's like her lips were made just for me. I deepen the kiss and we both fall over. I am on top of her and her arms are wrapped around my neck. I pull away before we can go any further. I lay down next her.

"Wow," She says.

"Wow," I say back.

And with that, I know that this is the start of something beautiful

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