Naked Truth

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David POV

I go through the motions this morning as I get ready for work, as I do everyday. I move a little quicker past George's door. It- the whole situation brings up a weird kind of illness in me. All these emotions replicate the feeling you get when you eat something bad and you want to vomit. Conflicted by my son's actions, angry that he is following in my footsteps. I thought I instilled in him the divide between us and them. Maybe it's the sins of his father or maybe it's genetic; hereditary the way he thirst for their kind. Maybe history has come back to repeat itself. Maybe it's my punishment for not running out there after my brother and coming clean. It was never his cross to bear, it was mine. I think it would have been easier if I had. It would have all ended right there.

Since that night I  can't get her off my mind. It had been so long that I had forgotten what it felt like; her taste, the feel of her, her scent; love. Real love, not my sham of a marriage. My wife Betty is nothing more than a housewife mannequin. No opinion on anything, just cook, clean and have my children. The only reason we even got married in the first place is because after one drunken night she ended up pregnant. My father was thrilled; the perfect daughter in-law.

"David. Breakfast is ready!" Betty calls from downstairs in the kitchen.

I push the thoughts to the back of my mind and head to the kitchen. We eat breakfast while making empty conversation. She mentions something about a dinner with the Lenard's on Friday and I absent-mindley nod my head. I glance up at the clock, and rise out of my seat as I see I can leave to head to work now.

I kiss her on the cheek. I can't stomach the thought of kissing her. Not after being reminded of what Mae's lips taste like. I shake my head trying to brush off the thoughts. All the possibilities of what could have been had my father not ruined it long ago. I walk towards my car and just as I am about to get in, I see it on my windshield; a lavender cosmo. I stand there and stare at it for a long time. I don't take it off my windshield. I get in the car, drive off and know that my day just got a whole lot more interesting.


I lay back on the hood of my car staring up at the patches of sky that peak through the trees. If I close my eyes, I can roll back time to over 20 years ago. I can be a fresh out of highschooler, in love and naive enough to believe that love alone can be enough. Enough to overcome the prejudices, difficulties and that anything was possible.

My eyes fly open as I hear the crunch of tires on the branches along with the hum of a car engine. I sit up as the car comes to a stop.

I see David step out of the car with a half smile on his face.

"You always did like to lay on the hood of a car." David says.

I slide off the hood of the car.

"You came. I wasn't sure if you'd remember and you're late." I say.

"Of course I remember. I am only late because I had to leave at an odd hour. Wanted to make sure I wasn't being followed or anything." David says.

"Followed?" I ask.

"Yes. Followed. I've been a bit on edge since I've seen you. Finding the need to look over my shoulder." David says.

My stomach lurches slightly and ask "What's got you so spooked?"

"I am not spooked. This is the first time in a while that I had to sneak around to see you. I was quicker in my youth. Normalcy and old age have slowed me down." He says as he comes to stand next to me at the hood of my car.

I fight the urge to move a piece of hair out of his face and say "I never thought age and routine would be things that slowed you down. Besides, no one is looking for us. We're adults now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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