Dreams of a White Christmas

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George POV

I am awakened by the wonderful aroma of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. I turn over in bed and reach for Alma, but all I end up gripping are empty bed sheets. At first, I sigh thinking that it is another work day but then I realize today is Christmas. I hop out of bed and the delicious aroma of breakfast becomes sharper as I descend the stairs. Upon entering the kitchen I watch as Alma uses the spatula to slide the last chocolate chip pancake onto a plate. As she slides the hot pan into the sink to clean it, I come up behind her and gently place my hands onto her shoulders.

"Good morning," I say and peck her right cheek.

She leans back into me and I allow my hands to slide down and rest on her large baby bump. I rub small circles hoping that maybe the baby will kick in response.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask as I bury my face into the crook of her neck.

"I am feeling good." She says.

"Merry Christmas." I whisper in her ear.

"Merry Christmas." Alma says back.

We stay like that for a few silent minutes as we look out of the kitchen window. Then something spectacular happens; it begins to snow. We both stand there in awe as we watch large circular flakes of white descend from the sky and leave a white coating on the ground.

"It's beautiful; isn't?" Alma says.

I pull her a little closer to me by giving her a gentle squeeze and say "Not as beautiful as you."

She turns around and faces me. Our eyes meet as she wraps my arm around my neck. We look into each other's eyes lovingly. I smile and she kisses me.

She pulls away and says "Its a white Christmas. What a miracle."

I bend down and get eye level with her belly. I place my hands on either side of her bump and give it a gentle kiss.

"No this a miracle. Our little miracle" I say referring to her belly.

She looks down at me as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"I know that she is gonna be beautiful just like her mother." I say with a smile.

"She?" Alma ask.

"Its gonna be a girl. I just know it." I say looking up at her.

She shakes her head and laughs.

I turn my attention back to her stomach and say "I am not sure if you can hear me in there but daddy loves you so much already. I can't wait to meet you soon." I say.

"You're not going to meet her anytime soon," Alma says.

"What?" I say and look up at her.

She smiles angelically and says "This isn't real."

I stand up and say "What are you talking about?"

She kisses me and says "This is a dream."

"What?!" I ask frantically.

"Wake up; you're dreaming," Alma whispers.

Suddenly I feel the world slipping away.

"No!" I reach for her.

"Shh. Don't worry. All dreams can one day become a reality." Alma says.

She kisses me and the dream world slips away.

Alma POV

We are laying peacefully on a red and white checkered picnic blanket in our usual meadow spot. Suddenly George sits up abruptly with tears in his eyes.

I sit up too and ask "What's wrong?"

He turns his head and looks away from me.

"George?" I ask as I place my hand gently on his cheek.

"Nothing. It was just a dream." He says as he turns his face and looks at me.

I take my thumb and gently wipe the stray tears away.

"Then why are you crying?" I ask.

"Because it was a beautiful dream and I wanted it to be real," George says.

"Tell me it and maybe we can make it real." I say as I gently run my fingers through his hair.

He looks at me and then kisses me deeply and passionately. We move so that he is on top of me with his hands reaching for my skirt and mine reaching for his pants. Suddenly he pulls away.

"Alma this has been the best 6 months of my life. I never want it to end. Not ever." He says as he looks at me lovingly.

I reach up and reconnect my lips to his, but he pulls away.

"I am serious Alma. Runaway with me after graduation. I don't care what my parents think. In fact, I don't care about what anyone thinks. We will move away somewhere we are accepted." George says.

"You're as crazy as a besty bug ." I say and giggle.

What has gotten into him? This is all so sudden and crazy that I can't help but laugh.

"I mean it. Runaway with me." George says.

"I don't know?" I say.

"How about run away with me just for the weekend then?"George asks with a smile.

I look at him quizzically.

"Valentine's day is next week. My parents have a cabin down in Monticello. They will be in Atlanta that weekend. Runaway with me? Temporarily?" George asks with a bashful smile.

This is a terrible idea. I just know that I am gonna regret this.

"Yes." I say.

He smiles. Then our lips meet again and he takes off my skirt.

Happy Holidays! Please like and leave a comment 😊

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