Out of the Frying Pan & Into the Fire

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George POV

I rush out of school hoping to try to run into Alma on the way home. After running into my dad's friend Rob I have been paranoid all day. I am worried that he knows. I stand and wait near the alleyway waiting for Alma to walk by. I need to change our plans just in case he saw something.

As I stand there waiting for her, my paranoia beings to take over me. What if he saw the whole thing, I mean he was borderline interrogating me. If he finds out he will tell his son James, who has been my best friend since we were in diapers. Our friendship will probably be over because it is very evident that a colored person and a white person being in a relationship of any kind is unacceptable. Then my dad, oh dear god he will definitely tell my dad. My dad will definitely kill me. He is the sheriff of this town and there is no way in hell he will ever let us be together. I need to end this. This was a terrible idea. I am taken out of my thought by the sound of Alma's voice. I look up and notice that she isn't alone.

Alma POV

I laugh along to something Ruby says as we walk back home from school. Suddenly I spot George standing near the alley we were in early. He is casually smoking a cigarette and looking hotter than ever. We lock eyes and I give him a light smile. He doesn't return my gesture. Instead he makes a slight movement of putting his neck to the side, signifying for me to meet him in the alleyway. I give him a slight nod and watch him slip into the back alleyway out of the corner of my eye.

I am lost in my thoughts trying to figure out why George could be acting so strangely.

"Hey, have you been listening to anything I said," Ruby asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

Realizing that I have walked almost to the other end of the street, I quickly say "I left my notebook. I need to run back and get it."

I bolt down the street and towards the alleyway. I glance back to see if Ruby is following me, and she isn't. I quickly slip into the back alleyway to meet George.

"George" I call out into the darkness of the alleyway.

I feel a hand reach for mine and jump slightly.

George POV

"George" I hear Alma say.

I reach for her hand in the darkness. She jumps.

"It's just me," I say.

We move into the middle of the alleyway where there is light streaming in. The light strikes her face in such a way that it accentuates her cheekbones and lightens her dark brown eyes.

She leans in to kiss me but I move away.

"What's wrong?" Alma asks me.

I don't answer trying to find the words to say.

"Are you gonna answer me?" She asks me.

I watch as her eyes begin to well up with tears but then a new emotion takes over her faces.

"Well George are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" She asks again, clearly getting angry.

I observe the way her anger begins to take over her face and I can't help but notice the way it makes her look even more attractive.

"Dammit George say something." She says.

"Us." I blurt out.

"What?" She asks. Her face plagued with confusion.

"Us. We are wrong." I say.

"Really because we were right just a few hours ago." She says bitterly.

"Look, we can't keep ignoring the fact that you are a negro and I am white." I say.

"Seriously? I have never ignored that and neither have you. We both have eyes. Everytime you have looked at me I have been black. Everytime I look at you, you're white. So why is it a problem now?" She asks.

Before I can respond there is shuffling and footsteps in they alleyway. I push Alma and I into the darkness of the alley. We both listen quietly as the footsteps pass us and watch as a person walks out of the alley and onto the street.

I pull us both back into the light and say "Listen this isn't the time or place to finish this conversation. Meet me at midnight. I'll park on the corner of your block."

"What happen to 8 pm? There is no way my parents are gonna let me out of the house at that hour. And the curfew! No way." Alma says.

"My dads friend saw us leave the alleyway and now he is skeptical. Look, lock your bedroom door, sneak out your window and I'll meet you. We will be gone for an hour tops. I promise." I tell her.

She nods . I place a kiss on her cheek and then we depart. I leave on the opposite end of the alleyway. I go home and park my car a block away from my house in preparation for tonight.

Alma POV

As I silently lay in bed in the dark, I hold up the flashlight and shine it onto the clock that ticks on by my bedside. I watch as the the seconds tick by to midnight. The hand effortlessly glides along the numbers until it hits the twelve. The hour hand moves and strikes midnight. I get out of bed flashlight in hand and shine it onto the wooden floor illuminating my path. I quietly grab the book, lift up my bedroom window and then place the book as wedge to keep it open. I climb out the window and walk down the street to George's car.

George POV

I watch as Alma walks up to my car. She opens the door.

"Hi." She says.

"Hi, climb in the backseat and lay down. This is just as a precaution until we get onto the back road." I reply.

She nods, opens the door and climbs into the back.

I start the engine and pull off slowly.

"Thanks for coming out to meet me tonight." I say.

"Yeah of course. You seemed worried earlier. Clearly we need to talk about what's bothering you." She says.

I move my rearview mirror and angle it so I can see her face. She looks solemn and for some reason my heart twinged with an unexplainable guilt.

Suddenly police sirens begin to blare behind me and I slow down and pull over. I lock eyes with Alma and see the fear in her eyes.

"Alma get under the back seat, grab the blanket that's under there and hide as best you can. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Even if it kills me." I tell her.

As she does what I say I watch as the officer approaches my car with a flashlight in hand. I re-adjust the review mirror to a normal angle and try to compose myself.
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