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Two Years Later

Jungkook anxiously rocked his leg up and down, sitting in the large auditorium waiting for his name to be called.

It was his graduation day. He was finally done with highschool. He was done with this amazing part of his life where he went though many things, good and bad. But now he was ready to move onto bigger and better things.

He looked around the room to spot his friends and family watching the graduation ceremony, wanting to see the support he has and always will have. It didn't take long for him to find his parents, closest friends, and beloved boyfriend.

Jungkook waved happily when they notice him looking towards them. They quickly waved back to the graduate.

He then saw Taehyung make a heart with his hand, making him smile. Jungkook blew a kiss towards his boyfriend. Taehyung caught it and put it in his pants pocket with a wide smile.

Jungkook chuckled, he really couldn't get happier.

"You guys are cute."

He looked over at Jihyo, a smile still on his face. She was also graduating today. They were the last of their friend group to graduate. The others all now went to the same college that was close to their high school. None of them wanted to go to far away from home.

They all lived in the college's dorms. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung had moved out of the Den into the new and accepting world, happy with all the open minded people that they were all surrounded by.

Jungkook and Jihyo had already decided in going to the same college as their friends. Jungkook was going to move into an apartment with Taehyung with the help of his parents. They already had an apartment picked out and the two of them couldn't wait to live together. To finally be the normal couple they have always wanted.

"Thank you." Jungkook answered while stealing another look towards Taehyung.

Jihyo only laughed at the distracted boy. "You ready?

Jungkook looked at her confused. "Ready? Ready for what?"

"For high school to end?" She said with a sad smile. They had a lot of memories in this school and it was going to be hard to leave. This is where they all met. This is where some of them fell in love.

He smiled and moved to give her a tight hug. "Yes. I'm ready. I might be a little sad but I'm excited for the future."

"You're right. There's so much to look forward too."

Jungkook was about to respond until he heard his name being called. It was his turn. He was about to walk across this stage and be officially done with high school.

He got up and gave Jihyo a smile, walking confidently to the stage.

As Jungkook was reaching for his diploma he heard cheering from the crowd. He looked back and saw his obnoxious friends on their feet cheering as loud as possible and Taehyung cupped his hands around his mouth to make sure he could he heard.

"I love you baby! You're amazing!"

Jungkook blushed with a wide smile on his lips, he can't wait to give Taehyung the biggest kiss when they meet after the ceremony.

He then walked off the stage, diploma in hand, to start a new chapter in his life. A new life with Taehyung.

And he was so fucking excited.



And its finished :')))

Thank you to everyone that has read this book, voted for it and supported it. I honestly didn't even know if it would get any reads so thank you so much!
<3 <3 <3

But even if this book is over, I still have others planned and I'll start updating reunited soon so check it out.

But even if this book is over, I still have others planned and I'll start updating reunited soon so check it out

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P.s. I left this book off kinda      vaguely because I've thought of writing a sequel. So let me know if anyone would like that :)

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