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Jungkook and Taehyung had both fallen asleep last night and were still cuddling when the sun came up in the morning.

Knock. Knock.

The boys didn't respond. They were still fast asleep.

"Jungkook, get up. Your mom made us breakfast." Jungkook's dad knocked again.

"Son. Wake up."

After another minute of no response, Jungkook's dad opened the door

"Jungkook, come on you need to-"

His dad stopped mid sentence. He saw Jungkook with a naked boy next to him. But that's not the only thing he noticed.

He also noticed the mark on the other boys neck.

Jungkook's dad got red in anger. He moved towards the bed and shook Jungkook awake.

"Mmm stop. Let me sleep." Jungkook replied, unknowing of his fuming father above him.

"Jungkook you better get the hell up right now."

Jungkook's eyes widened.


Taehyung was still next to him. Not to mention naked.

He shot up, seeing the extreme anger in his dad's eyes.

Jungkook knew they were screwed. His dad was not going to be in anyway ok with Taehyung being in the same bed as him. Or even room.

All the movement had woken up Taehyung.

"Baby? What's going on?"

Jungkook didn't answer, his dad answered for him.

"You two better be dress in the next two minutes." His dad said sternly while walking out of the room with his phone to his ear.

Jungkook quickly got up and started moving around the room picking up their clothes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Taehyung was still half asleep and confused. "Kook, what's going on?"

Jungkook looked towards his boyfriend with a frightened look in his eyes. "My dad is part of the government."

Taehyung's eyes went wide. He knew what that meant. "Fuck."

Taehyung has had a few encounters with government workers. Everytime something bad had happened.

The two quickly put their clothes on with little words.

As Taehyung was pulling his shirt on the door bursted open and two officers walked in with Jungkook's dad right behind them.

The officers took ahold of Taehyung's arms and started to forcefully take him out of the room, causing Taehyung to grunt a little out of pain.

Jungkook's eyes were wide again. "Taehyung! No stop hurting him. He didn't do anything wrong!" He then tried to move towards his boyfriend only to be held back by his own father.

Jungkook was having deja vu and not in a good way. This time he knew he would remember everything.

"Dad, let me go!" He struggled against his dad's hold. He just wanted to be close to Taehyung. He looked like he was in pain.

Taehyung was dragged down the stairs and out of the door. "Baby, it's okay! I'm okay." He yelled towards Jungkook, who was being carried by his dad.

The officers then shoved Taehyung into the back of their can, shutting the doors right after.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook cried loudly.

Jungkook's dad finally let go of Jungkook when they could see the van making it way down the street.

Jungkook immediately dropped to his knees and started crying. He didn't know if he was ever going to see Taehyung again. They were just so incredibly happy last night and now he was gone. It had all happened so fast.

"Jungkook, stand up." His dad said sternly.

Jungkook didn't listen and stayed on the ground, crying his heart out.

"Jungkook listen to me." His dad started off calmly. "You will never see that boy again. I won't allow it. I said one thing." He was starting to become more anger as he spoke. "You were not to befriend those thing! And you went and slept with one!? You had sexual relations with an alien! How does that make you feel!?"

Jungkook stayed quiet.

His dad got red. "Jungkook! Answer me!"

Jungkook slowly moves his red eyes to met his dad's. "It made me feel happy, dad. It made me really happy. I love him."

This earned a scoff from his dad. "You disgust me. You love an alien? That's not possible." He then stormed into their house, leaving a crying Jungkook on the ground.

Jungkook was broken. They had just started dating but he knew that he loved Taehyung and now he didn't know if he would ever be able to tell him.

Jungkook's mom had seen the entire event and didn't know what to do. Her son was crying and her husband was the cause of it.

Jungkook felt arms wrap around his frame.

"Jungkook, it's okay. I'll talk to your father and figure something out." He mom said trying to soothe the upset boy.

"I don't know if he will change his mind mom."

His mom sighed. "I will make him change his mind. Don't you worry." She said while giving him a comforting squeeze. "Now let's get you to your bed. It looks like you need to rest."

Jungkook slowly got to his feet with the help of his mom. He made his way to his room and dropped onto his bed.

When his mom left the room, he rolled over and could still smell the lingering scent of Taehyung.

I miss him already.

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