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A few days later Jungkook was at his locker yet again.

Things went normally in the few days after Jungkook remembered Taehyung. They were back to walking to class together and would sit next to each other at lunch. The only difference was that the two now held hands while walking to class and they were more touching during lunch but other than that, nothing had changed.

Jungkook was happy about the small changes with his crush. He felt like they were in a really good place right now. Well maybe not the exact place he would like them to be at but they were good nonetheless.

Though he did wonder about Taehyung's words a few days ago. He had said something might change in their friendship and Jungkook just hoped that they were on the same page.

He wanted to date Taehyung. Like really badly and he hoped Taehyung felt the same way.

"Hey Kook" Taehyung said making his way towards the said boys off locker. "What's up? You ready for class?"

"Yup I'm all ready" Jungkook said while moving his books into his arms.

The books were immediately taken from him by Taehyung though. "I'll carry them for you." He then moved Jungkook's books into one for his arms, leaving the other open to hold Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook blushed, "Thanks Tae."

"It's not a problem. I want to do something nice for the person I like." Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

This made Jungkook stop walking with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond.

He knew that there was a strong possibility of Taehyung having feelings for him. But he was not execpting Taehyung to bluntly say it to his face.

Taehyung laughed slightly at the shocked Jungkook, "Come on. Let's keep walking or you'll be late to class."

The two started walking again with no conversation. Jungkook was too in shock to say anything and honestly Taehyung was a little embarrassed but he didn't want to show Jungkook.

When they made it to Jungkook's classroom, Taehyung handed his books back.

"Thanks again Tae." Jungkook said shyly. He then rose to his toes to give Taehyung a quick kiss on the cheek and ran into his classroom just as quick.

Taehyung smiled while touching his cheek giddy from Jungkook's affection and turned to walk towards his own class.

When Jungkook made it to his seat, he dramatically put his head on his desk embarrassed from his actions.

Jihyo saw this and was confused "Jungkook? What happened?"

Jungkook moved his head slightly so that he could see Jihyo "so much just happened and I don't know if I can function the rest of the day."

"Ok you have to tell me now. Was it something with Taehyung?"

"Ugh yes it was." Jungkook lifted his head from his desk and turned towards her. "It started off with him taking my books for me and then escalated to him basically telling me he had feelings for me."

Jihyo gasped, "Wait he actually told you?"

"Well not directly but yeah he did. I also might have kissed him on the cheek when we got to the classroom." He said not making eye contact with Jihyo.

"You did what?!"

"It was in the moment! Like as a thank you or something." Jungkook said trying to defend himself.

Jihyo sighed seeing that he was embarrassed, "It's ok Kook. I think it's cute. Your guys relationship is so innocent."

"Innocent? I don't now if that's a good thing."

"Well it's not a bad thing. Do you want more in your relationship with him?"

"First of all we aren't exactly in a relationship since we're still only friends but if we were then yes. I want to experience a real relationship." He said dreamily. Jungkook could picture being in that type of relationship with Taehyung and it made him happy.

"You need to fix that only friends part then. Try telling him how you feel about him. I mean he did tell you earlier so you don't have to worry about him not liking you back." Jihyo was really hoping that the two would work out. They would be perfect together.

"I guess you're right but that also means I have to find the courage to say that I like him to his face and I don't know if I can." Jungkook huffed annoyed with himself. He just needed to tell him. If he didn't, there was no chance of them being together at all.

"You know what? I'll do it today." Jungkook said determined "I'll do it at lunch."


Again thank you guys for reading <3 <3

And sorry this was a little short.
I'm going to try and update soon maybe in the next few days but I'm not sure yet because I have an exam this week :(

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