Chapter 24

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Tori's POV

Jade accompanied me to my doctor's appointment. I needed to find out exactly how far along I was in this pregnancy. The two of us sat in a cold, sterile white room patiently.

"I hate these little rooms," Jade remarked. "They feel so... small."

I chuckled, "I don't like em as much as you, but I won't really have much of a choice in the matter of being here now."

There was a quick knock on the door, followed by a thin white woman appearing in the room.

"All right, I'm Doctor Polizniac. I understand we are here today to determine how many weeks pregnant you are?" She asked me quickly.

"Yes," is all I could manage to say.

Doctor. Polizniac walks over to the sonogram machine and started clicking on all types of buttons. "I'm gonna have you lift your shirt up for me, cover up with this blanket and pull your pants down below your waist line."

As I did as she instructed, the Doctor washed her hands at the sink across the room and put on a pair of gloves. She moved as if someone was fast forwarding her, all of her motions were quick and precise. It was easy to tell that she had been doing this for a while and had a certain flow to things.

"This is going to feel a bit cold," she stated as she placed that gel on my stomach and then moved this weird looking tool around on my belly.

Jade and I sat silently and staring at the monitor. There was no sign of a baby yet. I was beginning to think that maybe it was a false positive. I felt bad, because the thought of that almost brought a wave of relief over me. Then she found it.

"There they are," Doctor Polizniac pointed out this small bean like shape on the screen. The heartbeat was strong.

"That's it?" Jade remarked.

I couldn't help but laugh. "What did you expect Jade? A full blown baby?"

"Looking at this, I'd estimate you to be about eight weeks pregnant. I'll print off some images for you and you can schedule the rest of your appointments with the receptionist." She rattled off her words so quickly, the mark of a professional I guess. "Other than, everything seems to be in order so far. Do you have any questions?"

"No, no questions right now."

I adjusted my pants and gathered my things before Jade and I exited the lifeless little clinic.

"What the hell... my sister is pregnant," she said in awe as she reached out and touched my stomach.

I sigh, "What is that, like 2 months?"

I tried to think back to two months ago. It was some drunken night after a show. I couldn't  help but laugh at myself, the one time we didn't use protection and I ended up pregnant. I texted Ricardo a quick update before walking to my car with Jade and pulling out of the lot.

Gem's POV

"Hm... at a clinic... what could you be doing here?" I asked aloud.

The tracker I had placed on Tori's car was still there and functioning. I wouldn't have known she was back in the city without it, and lucky for me she had no idea it was there. I had driven to her location and hid out in the parking lot waiting to see if I would get a glimpse of her. If I was going to tear 6lack and Tori apart, I needed to wreak some serious Havoc.

As I sat reclined back in my seat, I noticed a familiar figure exit the clinic. Tori and Jade exit the clinic together. I was too far away to hear what they were talking about, even with my window slightly cracked. I positioned my phone to snap pictures of them together. I happened to catch one of Jade placing her hand on Tori's stomach.

"Holy shit," I said as my phone clattered to the floor.

Is she fucking pregnant?

My blood boiled and i was seeing red. It took everything in me to not get out of the car right blow up on her. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before snapping a few more pictures. I knew exactly what I was going to do.



Thank's for sticking with me through the sporadic updates <3

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