Chapter 14

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Ric's POV

After I finished up in the studio I headed back towards Tori's place. It was 6:30 and her place was roughly 20 minutes from the studio. I had enough time to make it to her and not be late. I had the radio on, but I wasn't really listening to it.

I was thinking about how Tori's homegirl took off on her last night. That shit was not cool at all. I don't even know how Gem could think that shit was ok, I hope Tori gave her a mouthful.

Then my mind switched gears and replayed the second half of the night. I was remembering how soft Tori's skin felt and the smell of her hair. As I was driving images of her popped into my mind. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I pulled into her parking lot.

I approached her door and knocked at 6:50. After about a minute she answered the door, looking pretty as usual.

"Hey," was all I could manage to say.

She smiled softly, "Hey."

I extended my arm out for her to take and lead her to the passenger side of my car. Once we were both inside she asked, "So, where will we be dining tonight Mr. Valentine?"

I hesitated before I answered, "American Deli."

She chuckled a little, "Lit."

We drove in silence aside from the radio playing. It wasn't an awkward silence though, it was comfortable. I liked that she didn't feel the need to make small talk.

"So," she said breaking the silence as I pulled up to American Deli. "Gem brought my car back today."

"And how did that go?" I asked as I parked my car.

"I hope I never hear from her again," she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"That bad?"

Tori sighed and pushed some of her curls behind her ear. "I just... I just don't understand how she could let a guy she doesn't even know come between our friendship."

"No offense," she quickly added when she remembered that I was said guy.

"None taken, shit is wild. Don't make sense to me either," I said as we entered American Deli.

"Yeah, well I don't wanna think about her anymore. I'm out with you and I'm going to be in this moment," she smiled as she looked over the menu.

After about a minute it was clear she knew what she wanted.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I want traditional 6 piece Lemon pepper wet," she said casually.

I put my hand over my heart, "I think I'm in love with you."

She laughed, "You're funny. Order the damn food Ric." She took a seat and waited for me as I placed the order.

After a couple minutes I joined her at the table with our meals. She had ordered the same thing that I was going to order.

"Hah, I get it now," she said as she realized we had the same meal.

"Mmhmm, thanks for being cool about us coming here. I know a lot of girls would have looked at me crazy if I told them I was bringing them here," I admitted.

"They trippin then, American Deli slaps," she said as she took a bite of her wing.

I couldn't help but to admire her. I had never met a girl like her.

"Stop staring at me, it's weird," she said as she licked her finger.

"My bad," I said as I began to eat my own food.

"So now that I know you aren't after me for my money, how about I take you on a real date?" I asked teasingly.

She looked in my eyes, "This isn't  real date?"

"I mean, it can be."

"And so it is," she said simply.

Tori's POV

I did not know what the hell I was getting myself into. But what was the point in acting like I wasn't feeling him. Shit, he knew, I knew. Gem stank ass for sure knew. So why even fight it?

"So... about this music stuff," I said switching the topic.

"Yes?" Ric's eyes lit up as soon as I mentioned music.

"You really think I've got potential?" I asked. I was gonna need a new job since I quit Waffle House.

"You've got a lot more then potential. You can one hundred percent do this shit," he encouraged me.

I took a deep breath, "Aight, I'll do a song with you."

He smiled, "Really? Like really really?"

"Yes Ric, don't make me change my mind" I teased.

"Aight aight, don't do that," Ric grabbed my left hand and kissed the back of it. "I'm glad you're on board."

"Mhmm, now back to this date. Tell me about yourself," I smiled.

"What do you wanna know?"

Gem's POV
                           Later that night

I ended up taking an Uber back home.  I was shocked that Tori really played me like that. I was lounging around in a tank top and a pair of booty shorts. I was lurking around on Instagram. I came across a picture of 6lack and Tori out at American Deli. It was posted forty minutes ago.

"6lack and spotted with mystery woman once again. #whoisshe?" I read aloud angrily.

I quickly opened up this tracking app on my phone. Tori had blocked me from seeing her location the night I took her car, but I was smart enough to place a tracking device in her car before I returned it. It said she was still at home, which meant 6lack must of picked her up.

As I stared at the photo, jealousy coursed through me. I decided to expose Tori in the comments.

BADBitchGem: The hoe in the picture is @Tori_Belle

I wasn't going to give up on getting my man. I just had to try even harder. He was going to be mine, and if he didn't want to be, I'd just have to make sure that Tori didn't have him.


A/N: Mature content ahead 😈

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