Chapter 19

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6lack's POV

One month of touring had already passed and at each show Tori would come out and sing First Fuck with me. By the fourth time we had performed it her stage presence had changed. She was much more open and relaxed.

We were on the tour bus headed to the next city. Ri was laying on one of the beds with earbuds in. I slid in next to her and removed one of her earbuds.

"I haven't seen you eat anything all day," I stated.

"Haven't really got that much of an appetite," she said nonchalantly.

I planted a kiss on her cheek, "Eat a little something, it's damn near ten o clock now."

Ri glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, "I'm not hungry Ric, just thinking about food makes me want to throw up."

"Are you getting sick?" I asked concerned.

"No, my period is coming. You know I can never eat the first day. I'll just get some rest tonight and hopefully I'll be fine before the show tomorrow."

Tori seemed off, but I wasn't gonna bug her about it. Maybe she was sick, or maybe it was that time of the month. I ain't wanna piss her off though.

"All right Ri, I'll let you rest," I pecked her lips and headed towards the front of the bus.

I plopped down on the black leather couch and scrolled through twitter on my phone. Some of my fans had tagged me in videos from previous shows. I retweeted and liked a couple tweets before shutting my eyes for bed.

Tori's POV

We had finally arrived in Detroit and I had never been happier to be out of a moving vehicle. I stretched and yawned as I made my way down to solid ground.

"We're all checked in to the hotel, we can go chill for a bit," Ric said as he grabbed my suitcase from under the bus.

"Yeah, I'll be up in a bit, I just wanna enjoy the fresh air for a while," I said.

It wasn't a lie, I did need some fresh air, but I also needed to make a trip to a CVS or Rite Aid.

"Aye T, stay out here and keep an eye on Tori for me," Ric called out to Terrence.

"Yes boss," Terrence said sarcastically.

The rest of the crew filed into the hotel with their bags leaving me and Terrence standing outside. It was awkward, I needed to go to the store but I ain't want him to come with me.

"You don't have to stay out here with me Terrence," I said breaking the silence.

Terrence had pulled out a blunt and started smoking immediately after everyone had dispersed. I was sure that both of us would smell of weed as soon as we entered the hotel lobby. "Well," he started to say, but then paused to blow out a cloud a smoke. "Ric wants me to keep an eye on you, so that's what I'm gonna do."

Terrence was a big brown skin guy with dreads. He had tattoos on his arms and fingers. It was clear he had the ability to keep me safe if anything were to happen. I didn't sigh audibly, but I did groan internally.

"All right, well I need to make a run," I said as I searched google maps for the closest CVS.

"Where we going?" T asked as he put finished off his blunt.


I made Terrence wander around CVS as I went to search for pregnancy tests. I told him that I needed to pick up feminine products, so it wasn't a complete lie. I stood in front of the a variety of tests. I couldn't decide which one to get. I held a Clearblue digital pregnancy test in my right hand and a 1st Response Test in my left.

"Need some help?" An employee asked from behind me causing me to jump.

I turned to face the male voice. He was a tall chocolate man with dimples. Looked like he had just got a fresh cut too.

"Uh... I suppose so.. just not really sure which one to get," I said slightly embarrassed.

"Well, if you want a clear answer I'd go with Clearblue, less ambiguity," He advised.

I set the 1st Response test back on the shelf, "Thanks....Malik," I read off his name tag.

"You know my name, so what's yours?" He asked with a smile on his face.

I chuckled, "You really trying to flirt with a girl who is in here buying a pregnancy test?"

He shrugged, "You gotta have options in case the dad aint shit."

I playfully rolled my eyes, "My name is Tori, and I am one hundred percent unavailable. Have a nice day Malik." I walked off to the pharmacy to pay for the test so Terrence wouldn't see it and then we headed back to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel I rode the elevator up to the suite and felt sick to my stomach. I didn't have the key to the suite so I knocked on the door and waited for Ric to answer. He came to the door shirtless and half asleep.

"Yall went on an adventure or some shit?" He asked.

I forced a laugh out, "Yeah, something like that."

The show wasn't until tomorrow night which meant that the crew would most definitely be heading to some club later that evening.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked him as I looked around the suite.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked him as I looked around the suite

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Ric led me past the living room area towards the bedroom. "Right through that door," he said as he motioned towards a dark brown door.

"Thanks," I said before entering the bathroom and locking the door.

I pulled the pregnancy test out of the bag and nervously pulled it out of the box. My hands were shaking as I removed the cap from the test . After I pulled my sweats and underwear down I sat on the toilet and took some deep breaths.

Two minutes passed before I actually took the test. I placed the cap back on it before sitting on the counter to wait for the result. I set a timer for three minutes as the box instructed.  As bad as I wanted to just sit down and patiently wait for the answer I couldn't. I paced across the bathroom floor for the full three minutes.

Once the timer went off my heart dropped to my stomach. I cautiously approached the test and reached for it slowly.


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