Chapter 8

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Gem's POV

I was at Lenox Square sitting outside of the Nike store, waiting for Tori to show up. We usually had a girls day at the mall at least once a week, we had both gotten paid so we had some cash to blow. Well shit, Tori always had cash to blow thanks to those parents of hers.

"Where this hell is this bitch at?" I asked myself.

To pass the time I was scrolling through Instagram. I followed a lot of celebrities and some gossip pages. As I scrolled through my timeline I came across newly uploaded pictures of 6lack. He was seen leaving the studio he records at with a girl.

As I continued to swipe left I realized that girl was Tori.

I chewed on my lip angrily. Why would she not tell me she was going there? Why does everything just fall in this bitches lap? I was heated. But I had a plan.

Tori's POV

After I found a space to park I rushed into the  building and quickly headed for the Nike store. Gem had texted me that she had been waiting there for fifteen minutes. I ran over to her as soon as her red hair was insight.

"Hey, I am so sorry!" I said out of breath.

Gem's arms were folded over her chest, "Sorry for being late or sorry for stealing my dream?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are you talking about? I just got caught up with something."

"Yeah, and that something happened to be 6lack," she said as she stood up. She towered over me but I wasn't scared of her.

"First of all his name is Ricardo, and I don't like the way you're talking to me so you better watch your damn tone."

Gem rolled her eyes, "Why,why do you get any and everything you ever want? I introduced you to him, and now you running around with him behind my back?" She yelled which drew the attention of some people in the area.

"I'm a grown ass woman, I don't have to sneak anywhere. He asked to link up with me, so I showed up. That's it."

Gem scoffed, "The last time you said 'that's it' you ended up being invited to his house. That was you wasn't it! The little whore that Jaycina was ranting about."

I was silent for a moment. That bitch was talking about me on social media? Did Gem really just call me a whore? Me?

"You know what, I'm not about to argue with you over a nigga that you don't even know for real. I'm out."

"Oh so you just gonna run!" She called out as I walked towards the the exit.

I turned to face her, "What the fuck do you want from me Gem? You out of all people should know I don't get down like that, and it pisses me off that you just stood there and called me a hoe."

She was quiet. "What the fuck do you want from me?" I yelled this time.

A sly smile spread across her lips. "I want to meet him."

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