Chapter 28

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6lack's POV

Three days had passed since Gem showed up to my show with her drama. I hadn't heard from Tori at all. I couldn't blame her, I didn't exactly take her side that night everything popped off, which was stupid. I sent some of my crew to that Waffle House to check out that Daniel guy Gem had mentioned.

It turned out she had cut some kind of deal with him, go along with her lie and he was supposed to get some big pay out when she "bagged me". I was disgusted at myself for even thinking that Tori might be playing me. I decided to swing by her place and see her, I needed to talk to her, apologize face to face.

When I got to her apartment complex, I sat in the lot and gathered up my courage to go and knock on her door. My hands were sweaty and butterflies filled my stomach.

"Keep it together Ricardo," I mumbled to myself as I got out my car and walked into her building. I took a long deep breath before knocking on the door.

A few seconds passed, and then her sister Jade was standing in the door. She looked shocked to see me, then shock instantly turned into anger.

"Oh no, no, no. Why are you here?" she asked in a hushed tone.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, "I wanted to see her... apologize for everything."

Jade shook her head in opposition, "No, no, no. Now is not a good time. You need to go."

My shoulders slumped down in disappointment. I figured she wouldn't want to see me, but I still had a little bit hope that I'd at least get to catch a glimpse with her. I didn't think I'd be shooed away by her little sister.

"Who is that at the door?" I hear Tori's voice call out. I felt hopeful, I thought I might get to talk with her, even if it was only for a moment.

Her figure appeared behind her sister's. She looked worn out, like she had been crying nonstop. Her skin didn't have the glow it usually had. She met my eyes, and I could see the anger reignite in them.

"Come for a paternity test?" she spat the words out at me.

My words got caught in my throat, "No I-"

She moved in front of Jade, "Not to worry Ric, I'm not pregnant anymore. So you have nothing to worry about. No traps to run from!"

"Tori that's not why I-"

"Please save it," she said cutting me off. "Just go."

She disappeared back inside her apartment leaving me there with Jade again. I was flustered and confused, the butterflies had morphed into raging bees.

"Jade, what is she talking about? What does she mean she's not pregnant anymore?" I questioned.

Jade held her hands up in defense, "Listen, that is not up for me to tell you. Please just go."

"Jade," I said with pleading eyes.

She huffed out a gust of air, "It's not my business to tell, and I can't make any promises but I will try to convince her to call you. For now, please, just go."

I balled my hands into fists, but agree to leave. I was hot all over by the time I reached my car again. I sat in silence for a while, trying to get my emotions under control before I pulled out onto the busy roads again.


Later that evening I was sitting on my couch, pen and paper in hand. I had to get out the emotions I was feeling. I felt like a pop can someone had shaken up, and writing was my release. I dropped the pen and paper on the cushions and picked up the lit blunt I had sitting in an ash tray on my coffee table. I took a long drag and then exhaled.

I racked my brain, replaying everything that had lead up to my current predicament. As I replayed the events of the past five months, my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. I hoped it was Tori, but it was Terrence.

"Heard anything from her?" he asked as soon as I answered the call.

I took another drag from the blunt, "Not a damn thing. I'm really still tripping over it all T."

"Shit, I can only imagine; this is heavy," he said. There was a pause before his next question. "You wanna come out tonight? Take your mind off things?"

I sighed, "Nah, I'm straight. Probably best if I stay in."

I could tell he really wanted me to get out the house, he was a good friend, but I needed to marinate in everything that was going on. And I needed to do it alone. "I appreciate it though," I added.

"Just lemme know if you need anything, you know I got your back," Terrence stated, even though he didn't need to.

"Thanks man, I'll hit you up later," I said before ending the call.

After an hour of smoking, writing, and changing positions on the couch I got another call. I perked my head up to peer over at the coffee table with my phone laid.

"Tori," I breathed.

"Hello," we said in unison.

I rubbed my hands on my pants, "It's good to hear your voice."

I could hear her breathing shakily on the other end of the line. "I'll talk to you," she said but there was a pause. "Not on the phone though, I want to tell you this face to face."

"O-okay, yeah. Want to link up around noon tomorrow?" I asked cautiously.

"That works for me. There's this park near me, I'll text you the address in the morning," she said and that was the end of the conversation.

The butterflies had returned as I began to imagine what she  wanted to say to me face to face that couldn't be said over the phone. I definitely had earned whatever was coming my way. What really made my stomach turn was the fact that she said she wasn't pregnant anymore.



Two more chapters after this one friend. We are finally bringing this story to it's end <3

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