Chapter 27

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Tori's POV [Trigger Warning]

Hot tears ran down my cheeks as I rushed to my parked car. "Tori, Tori wait!" Jade called out behind me.

My hands shook furiously as I tried to unlock the car door. I was blinded by the stream gushing from my eyes. I felt Jade gently take the keys out of my hand and guide me to the passenger side of my car. The ride to my apartment was silent, the silence was only broken up with the sounds of me sniffling.

"Why don't you go have a shower and get in bed," Jade suggested as she plopped down on the couch.

The warm water on my skin was a relief. I let it wash away the bullshit of the last half hour down the drain. I was still pissed though, I truly could not believe that he would have any sort of trust in the validity of what Gem was saying. He knew I had taken out a restraining order against her, he knew about the tracking device, why even believe her for a little bit.

As I washed my hair I tried to take my mind off it all. I could hear my phone ringing out in the living room. My phone was still in my purse, Jade let it ring and I was glad. I'm sure it was Ric, but I didn't feel like speaking to him for the rest of the night. After my shower, I dried off and threw on an old t-shirt and some pinky fuzzy pajama shorts.

"Come watch a movie with me," I called out to Jade.

We ended up settling on some true crime documentary she was interested in. I couldn't fathom how she could consume so much information about death and murder, it was all so morbid. I wasn't paying too much attention to the documentary. I had the urge to retrieve my phone from my purse, but I left it alone. Instead I just laid in bed with my sister, listening to the horrendous crimes this person had committed.


"Tori, Tori wake up," I heard my sister call out to me and she gently shook my arm.

I rubbed my eyes, "What's going on? What time is it?"

"Tori," she said in a whisper, and there was fear in her voice.

I sat up quickly, suddenly aware that I was drenched in some liquid. I lifted my sheets and found myself to be laying in a small pool of blood. A guttural cry escaped my mouth as tears raced down my face. Jade held me in her arms as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked softly. "Do you want me to call Ric?"

I shook my head no, " I want mom."

About forty-five minutes later, I was changed into a new set of pajamas and my mom had arrived at my apartment. It was four in the morning at that point. She rushed in and embraced me in a comforting hug immediately.

"My baby," she said softly as she stroked my hair.

My mother and I had our differences, we used to butt heads a lot when I was a teenager. Even that last fight, that I can't recall seemed like it put a permanent wedge in our relationship. But in that moment, none of that stuff mattered, she was my mom at the end of the day and would always be.

"Let's get you to the emergency room hun so they can take a look at what's going on," my mom said softly.

We rode to the hospital in our mom's car. I sat in the passenger seat on an old towel and Jade in the back behind me. Thirty minutes had passed before I was even admitted into a room. Nurses came and went taking vitals, then it was the waiting game. It took an hour before I was actually seen by a doctor.

"My name is Doctor Worschall, I understand that you are pregnant and woke up to some bleeding this morning?" He spoke so quickly, that had to be a thing with all Doctors.

I was holding my mother's hand tight in mine, "Yes, that is correct."

The Doctor looked over the information on his clipboard, "You're estimated to be about three months pregnant now?" I nodded my head yes. "All right, well lets have a look at what's going on, this may not be a cause for concern, but I will have a look at things to be sure."

One of those sonogram machines was wheeled into the room, my palms began to sweat. I knew the drill though. I pulled my shirt up and rolled the waistband of my pants down in preparation. Doctor Worschall rubbed that same cold gel on my stomach and pressed the tool around on my stomach searching for a sign of life.

I glanced at Jade and my mom, anxiety took a hold of me. "It's gonna be okay," my mom whispered.

After a minute or so, Doctor Worschall found the small bean, but there was no heartbeat this time. I broke down into tears all over again. Both Jade and my mom rushed to me and embraced me. "I'm so sorry," Doctor Worschall said, but he didn't sound sorry. He sounded robotic and removed from the situation completely.

"It appears you have suffered an early pregnancy miscarriage. It seems the fetus has not passed, and so we have two options here," the doctor began to speak slowly, but I couldn't really hear through my crying.

He continued anyway, "We can do a dilation and curettage, D&C, here at the hospital, or you can go home and pass the tissues naturally."

I sniffled, "What's a D&C entail?"

"Basically, we would dilate your cervix and remove the tissues manually," he was very blunt.

I was silent, I truly did not have any more words in me. It was my mother who spoke next. "Sweetie, what do you want to do?" she asked.

"I want to go home," was all I could manage to say before laying my head back and closing my eyes.

I was discharged and sent home to have a natural miscarriage and told to return to the emergency room if my bleeding got extremely heavy.

Once at home I took another shower while my mom and Jade changed the sheets on my bed. Both of them stayed with me and took turns comforting me as I rocked myself and cried. One moment I was pregnant, the next second I was not.

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