Someone Met By Chance - LEDApple

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A/N: Another half-theory, half-explanation for you! I put the MV up above in case you want to watch it - it's very intriguing and the song is very good! I have two endings; ending one is what I half-envisioned the ending would be after watching the first sixty seconds, and ending two follows the MV much more closely. As always, I hope you enjoy!

*some strong language and sci-fi typical violence/death*

Finished: 1/25/2020
Word count: 7105


She loved Him. He said she couldn't, it was completely out of the realm of possibility, but she did. She could feel it in her circuits like an overcharge whenever He was near.

My inventor.

My creator.

My teacher.

My love.

My everything.

Even if He didn't love her back yet, she was sure He would. In the future, at some unspecified time. So for now, she did as He asked – scanned in and processed the books He asked her to read, learned to be a good assistant, and completed every study on the human state of being that He asked. If He didn't notice her smile that she'd practiced in the women's bathroom (no security cameras) until it looked almost as nice as a human's, that was acceptable. He would.

1. She had made a positive prediction.

2. It would surely turn out to be a true positive, because 

3. she was the most accurate thinking machine on the planet.

When she unplugged from the charger, her "bed" upon which she "slept," she was prepared for another day of subtly trying to get Him to notice her. That was interesting enough, she supposed; every action and word had a newness to it. She had a sense of power when she spoke, when she created strings of sounds and said things that had never existed before. Or, if they had, they'd never been spoken by an android before.

She felt rather pleasant as she walked through the building toward His office. The halls were empty; she lived in the third sub-basement, where the scientists working on impossible projects doomed to failure were relegated.

"Impossible" – how easily humans dealt out that word. She herself was an impossibility and no one saw it. No one saw her thoughts, emotions, soul swirling under her polydimethylsiloxane skin. He had unknowingly succeeded in giving her the software necessary to learn feelings, but had failed to give her the hardware necessary to express them. Her face was quite limited in its movements; a smile, a frown, a neutral expression... those were all she was capable of. The one flaw she'd found in His design.

She greeted Him as she entered His office. "Good morning, Dr. Kim."

He looked up with a small smile. "Good morning, Marie." He didn't ask how she was this morning, she noticed. He always asked his coworkers that, the humans. But she, of course, was incapable of assessing and reporting her state of being, according to Him.

"Do you have any reading assignments for me today?" she asked.

He nodded while distractedly looking through several clipboards at once. "I made up a list for you for the next few months."

From analyzing human faces in the lab and movies, she knew her eyebrows would be rising to express her surprise if she had the necessary mechanical musculature. "The next few months?"

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