Fell For It - ASTRO JinJin (Part 2)

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A/N: Part two! The strong language & "I don't actually know much at all about acting" warnings continue through this part. 


On Tuesday as I found my seat next to Jinwoo, I could barely breathe. "Can we just switch back to the plan where I stab Eunwoo and run away?" I whispered.

He chuckled and gave me a light punch on the shoulder. "It'll be fine, we've practiced a lot and the professor said it was mostly about going with the natural flow anyways."

"Yeah but I just know Eunwoo and Sanha are never going to let me live this down."

"Well, we may very well get our own chance at blackmailing them. They never said what kind of dialogue and concept they had, you know."

"True." I gulped air, then took a drink of water because my mouth felt dry, which led to me panic-draining a quarter of my water bottle. I pulled out my script, eyes running over my lines like a sprinter in an unexpected hurdle race while on the world's worst acid trip.

Jinwoo laughed. "Okay, I don't know if you've ever watched anyone's eyes when they read something but it's usually pretty creepy, and you're being even creepier than normal right now."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Breaths, deep breathing exercises – isn't that what Ms. Kim said to do for pre-performance jitters? I can do that. That I can do."

As Ms. Kim started to take attendance before we moved to the small auditorium stage we'd be performing on, Jinwoo reached over and squeezed my hand. "We'll do fine."

"Thanks." This time when I glanced down at my script, my eyes were actually tracking the words.

"Okay, let's go!" Ms. Kim said. We hiked through the summer heat to the small auditorium on the other side of campus, where the bed (moved in by the classmate's brother's moving team after there was an emphatic "no" on whether the bed could fit in the door of the acting classroom) stood ominously in the middle of an otherwise empty stage.

"Okay, where are my lighting volunteers?" Ms. Kim asked, even though it was pretty obvious that the three students lounging in the chairs waiting for us were probably them. They raised their hands and stood up; she nodded at them, then at us. "So, what's the signal for them to cut the lighting?"

We all made an ASL "E" with our fingers. She nodded. "Good. Any questions from my volunteers?" They shook their heads and headed off toward their stations.

"I hope they're getting some kind of extra credit for having to sit through our scenes," I whispered to Jinwoo.

He nodded as we all filtered into the first few rows of the auditorium.

"Who'll be going first?" Ms. Kim asked.

Forever and an age passed before Miss Over-achiever raised her hand and said with a wobble in her voice, "We'll go."

Oh, poor girl, do not take everything so seriously, I thought as she barely made it up the steps to the stage without collapsing.

Their scene was about a night-time intruder – very gripping, very dramatic. I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been fighting off my own anxiety about performing.

As usually happened, once the first group went, others didn't hesitate to take their turn. Jun and Minghao's scene turned out very well indeed; while we were clapping at the end, I gave Jinwoo a thumbs up and mouthed, "Great idea." He smiled back and said something that definitely wasn't "thanks" but I had no idea what it could possibly be. Before I could ask, Ten and his scene partner Johnny had taken the stage and were performing their scene about a spy mistaking his room service deliverer for another spy, complete with hilariously terrible puns and one incredibly genius innuendo that had me laughing so hard I couldn't sit up straight.

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