Mixer - SEVENTEEN Woozi

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A/N: Not at me having this idea for over a year but still writing the majority of the story yesterday and today 😅

*some strong language; slight mentions of anxiety/depression*

Finished: 2/14/2021
Word Count: 10845
College!AU (and non-corona AU I guess)


As I entered the elevator, already begging the universe for a solitary ride up to my floor of the dorms, I spotted it: my Frankenstein's monster.

               Or, to be less dramatic, the damn poster I'd designed for the library's Valentine's Day "mixer

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Or, to be less dramatic, the damn poster I'd designed for the library's Valentine's Day "mixer." I hated it to my core – too busy, too pink, and far too many hearts – but that was what the librarians had wanted, and apparently the words "customer is king" applied to pro bono work as well.

Although it wasn't exactly pro bono, I supposed. My professor for Commercial Graphic Design was giving extra credit for anything we designed that was used in a professional context, as long as the people it was made for signed a form, and I desperately needed extra credit. The professor and I had different "visions" when it came to my designs, so I needed all the help I could get.

Knowing all that didn't make the sugary pink poster any easier to look at, though. Copies were up all over campus, apparently, because I'd run into six different ones so far. With any luck, though, they'd be gone tomorrow; the mixer was tonight, so the library staff would have to remove the posters before too long.

When I finally got off at my floor and let myself into my dorm room, my roommate turned from the mirror, causing two sweaters she was holding up to her torso to twirl around her. "Kris-ti-na!" she said in a singsong voice. "Which do you think I should wear, the pink one or the green one?"

"You know you want to wear the pink one," I said, smiling as I set down my backpack and started pulling my laptop out.

"Yeah, but I feel like I wear pink a lot," she said, looking at the sweaters again in the mirror. "It's Valentine's Day, I should wear something special."

Ah yes, I should have known this was needless worrying about whether the boyfriend would like it or not. "If you like it then it is special," I said as I sat on my bed, laptop in hand. "Plus, you'll be more comfortable. You like the way you look in the pink one a lot better than the green."

She sighed. "I know, you're right." She folded up the green sweater and laid the pink one out on her bed. "Happy Valentine's Day, by the way! Any special plans?"

"Oh yeah, a hot date with my textbooks," I joked.

Laughing, she nudged my foot with hers. "I thought being bi would make it easier  for you to find a date, a human one!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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