Fell For It - ASTRO JinJin (Part 1)

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A/N: I don't know if you've noticed a trend in my word count, but I certainly have. Hence why this oneshot is split into two parts. Also, I know next to nothing about acting or scripts so bear that in mind!

*some strong language*

Finished: 4/1/2020
Word count: 11772 (Total for parts 1 & 2, don't worry. For some perspective, "When Shadows Fall," the story I've been working on for 3-4 years now, is only 78k words at this point. And I wrote this oneshot in 2-3 weeks. I hate my brain.)


"Now, you can either suggest a prop or vote for one that's already been suggested," said Ms. Kim, pulling out one of those small yellow notepads she used all the time. "Remember! Whatever you choose, this will be the only prop you'll have onstage during your scenes."

I threw a quick glance at my scene partner, Jinwoo. He glanced back, so I smiled and looked up front at the professor.

The girl who sat in the front row (I could never remember her name, but she was very nice and always tried just a little too hard) raised her hand. "A letter?" she said when Ms. Kim called on her. I internally sighed – that just sounded so theatrical. This community college theatre class had been good, but I wasn't excited for more over-dramatic scenes. Something fun to close out the summer semester, that was what I'd love.

"A ladder," someone in the back row yelled without raising his hand. I chuckled under my breath, looking back at Jinwoo.

"Could be fun," I whispered.

He nodded, smiling. Mentally I thanked my dear neighbor Eunwoo again for ditching me for a friend who was actually passionate about acting – I'd known Jinwoo for a long time (again thanks to Eunwoo), but during the class I'd gotten to know him better and now considered him my friend. He was really nice, really easy to work with, and had been a great partner through every single exercise (he'd even been nice when I'd accidentally whacked him in the face with my prop sword during the stage combat lesson).

The next person to raise their hand voted for the ladder. I considered doing the same. It seemed like a very interesting prop, although I wasn't sure how many different kinds of scenarios we could come up with using a ladder.

Ten raised his hand and the whole class bristled with anticipation. He was either going to say something genius, something risqué, or something hilarious – we all knew what to expect now that he'd dropped his shyness halfway through the semester.

"Yes, Chittaphon," Ms. Kim said with significant patience.

He leaned back in his seat with a sly grin. Not genius this time, then. "How about a bed?"

The class erupted like Vesuvius. Most of us were laughing, but at least one person was complaining about how "does nobody take acting seriously or even care about actually learning anything in this class?"

Sorn said, "I would vote for a bed!"

"I second that," Sungjae said. "Sounds like fun."

"What about my ladder idea?" the guy in the back row shouted.

Eunwoo raised his hand. "I vote to use a bed for a prop too!"

It soon became clear that the class, most of us laughing and giddy from heat and homework exhaustion, had indeed picked "bed" as our prop of choice.

"You realize how much work that would be to set up," Ms. Kim said. "I'm afraid it wouldn't be practical."

A girl across the aisle from me launched into an overlong story about how her brother had dropped out of school and was working at this moving company, and this super asshole family had donated a queen-sized bed and a bunch of other furniture to a second-hand store but still yelled at the moving crew the whole time to be careful even though they were getting rid of all of it, and that had been just two days ago so the bed probably hadn't been sold yet and since her brother's coworker's aunt worked at the store the university might be able to borrow the bed and redonate it afterward, and she was sure she could bully her brother and his moving team to haul it in for us.

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