Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe - VIXX Leo

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A/N: Is the title a (mostly) completely unrelated LOTR reference? Yes. Do I have any excuses? No. I hope you'll enjoy! 

*one expletive and a whole lot of implied ones*

Finished: 1/6/2020
Word count: 5068 


"You're sure I have to drop you off three blocks away? We're running late, I'm sure everyone's in the kitchen getting food already." I took my eyes off the road briefly, looking at Leo's perfect profile for a moment.

"Hyuk sees everything," he said, pointing to a spot along the curb. I pulled over and parked, grabbing his hand as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Would it be so bad if they found out we were dating?" I asked, eyes fastened on our intertwined hands. "I hate hiding this from them."

"Do you know what Hakyeon did this morning when I asked him if we had any dried seaweed?" I shook my head, not looking up at him. This was a discussion we'd had many times and I never won. "He started crying. Apparently his ex's favorite thing to cook for him was seaweed soup."

I opened my mouth, but thought better of asking why things were still so bad for Hakyeon when it had been almost eleven months already. If Leo were to break up with me, I supposed it would take a lot longer than that for me to get over him.

Leo continued, "I'm just still afraid that if we act like a couple around him, he'll start feeling hurt all the time again. Right now it's only when specific reminders set him off, but... our dating, I think it would be kind of a 'look what you could've had' thing, if that makes sense."

I squeezed his hand. "I understand." Reaching to the door panel, I unlocked the car. "It's really sweet of you to be so considerate." I really did mean that – why was my voice sounding so bitter?

He chuckled, reaching out and putting a hand on either side of my face, turning me to look at him. "We're not going to fight about this, are we?"

"No," I said, keeping my eyes fixed on the text running across the chest of his T-shirt – EVERYDAY SUNSHINE, EVERYDAY HAPPINESS had never looked so bleak. "No, we're not going to fight."

"Thank you," he said, kissing my forehead before releasing me and grabbing the door handle. "We can tell them sometime soon."

He'd been saying that since our first date ten months ago. The secrecy wasn't usually a big deal, but sometimes when we were around our friends I ached to hug him, hold his hand, or comb my fingers through his hair. It was so hard to watch him laugh without my face expressing much more than friendly amusement; At least twice, I'd almost blurted out an "I love you" after he'd done something exceptionally cute or amazing.

"I'll see you soon," Leo said from the sidewalk, bending down to look inside the car. "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime," I said softly, watching him swing the door shut. Shifting into drive, I looked over to make sure he was safely on the sidewalk before taking my foot off the brake.

I sighed, punching the button to turn on the radio. Sure, it was poor company in comparison to Leo, but still better than nothing. Better than spending the two minutes of the drive thinking about how good he looked today in that black t-shirt and those dark jeans.

When I parked and turned off the radio, I checked the time. I had about nine or ten minutes before Leo ambled up to the house with those long legs of his. I could sit in the car and wait for him, link arms and insist on going in together.

Kpop Oneshots [Multifandom]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt