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A/N: Weird content alert? This is kind of half theory, half explanation - basically me deciding what the story in the MV is about and writing it my way, forsaking all in-MV evidence to the contrary. I have a few others like this planned for the future. I hope you enjoy! 

*some strong language*

Finished: 5/22/19
Word count: 3693


The call finally came through just when she had fallen asleep with her elbows on the cold, hard desk. "Dr. Park, the object has moved within range," a voice reported, so Esther shook off her exhaustion and hurried through the milky-white halls with blue accents – like veins on a pale, dying hand, a visitor had said once. She chose the elevator over the stairs and pressed the button for the seventh floor.

When the object had first been detected by the long-range scans, there had been a mass panic; it had been traveling on a collision course at such a velocity that no matter how small it was, the impact would have destroyed the earth's ecosystems. That hysteria, however, was nothing with what happened when the object had slowed upon passing Mars as though braking, preparing to park near Earth. The world's astrophysicists had raced to find natural explanations, but most of the world had jumped to the easiest conclusion: extraterrestrial life.
Esther rubbed the bridge of her nose before exiting the elevator and striding to the observation lounge. She wasn't even involved in any of the space sciences; she was a biologist, pure and simple.

Well, not so simple.

"Dr. Park!" One of the technicians called her over, his hand on their only good telescope. "We now have visual confirmation of what the space observatories were telling us: it is a small orb, visually similar to the moon, with one tree and a humanoid creature on it."

Without a word, Esther put her own eye up to the telescope. Yes, it looked like a miniature moon slowly getting closer and closer to earth, with one anciently-thick tree and... what appeared to be a human woman tied to the tree.

"Others are also seeing a human?" she asked, looking around the lab.

An intern reported from where she sat at a laptop, probably contacting other facilities. "Yes, Doctor. Although, there is some... some doubt as to whether we are all seeing the same thing. Some say the humanoid figure is female, others say it is clearly male. One of the first researchers to view it went a little crazy, said it was her daughter up there, aliens had taken her daughter, et cetera – had to be tranquilized. Others have also made claims that the figure looks like people they love or at least recognize."

"Who do you see when you look up there?" Esther asked the technician, who hadn't left the telescope's side.

"I see my father," the technician said. "But I called him and I know he's at home."

"Interesting." She looked back in the telescope, finding the figure once again. Why didn't she recognize –

It hit her like a golf club to the back of the knees, and she gripped the telescope for support. The girl, Choi Jimin, the test subject who'd come to them having lost both her hands from the elbows down. She'd been so incredibly desperate for their experimental procedure to work, so eager to regain control over her life, that she hadn't even listened to the associated health risks. Esther had known the girl understood nothing of what she was agreeing to. Esther, not even a Ph.D. yet, had known, but hadn't even tried to re-explain anything or calm Jimin down enough to think about the possible side effects before verbally signing the papers. Sure, the procedure had given back her hands, but complications had eventually claimed her life.

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