chapter one (edited)

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Kai's Pov

It was a normal Saturday and my friend Doug invited me out bowling with a couple of his friends. He told me it was to celebrate the start of one of his friend's tours, but I didn't hear who it was since I was making pancakes when he told me and didn't really care to listen much.

My brother, Mason, and I were arguing back and forth on whether I was going or not because I wanted to stay back with him and his little family, while he was desperate to kick me out. Although I know he always enjoyed my company the most.

Mason knew I hated going out anyway, so I didn't see why he was even putting up a fight. I just didn't see the point of spending my Saturdays' bar hopping and bowling, when I could be home, warm, and safe.

Mason folded his arms, letting out a sigh after about ten minutes passed. "Kai, just go. It'll be fun, trust me."

"Mason, I told you, I'm staying here with Malia," I responded, following my brother as he went to get laundry from around the house.

For reference, Malia was my niece and Mason's two-year-old daughter with his wife, Lia.

"When's the last time you went out?" He asked, stopping to look at me. "Never mind, it was Tuesday, for dance rehearsals, which was almost a week ago."

"I'm not going, I promised Malia we would watch Ratatouille tonight anyways."

"You can't Mal your way out of this one." Mason chuckled, rolling his eyes. "You're twenty-two with lots of friends. There's no reason why you just stay home, work, or visit us. You should be having fun, so go home, and get dressed because you're going tonight."

I crossed my arms, leaning on the walls of the laundry room as my brother tended to the clothes. Mason was right in a way. I didn't really go out, unless I was with Shawn, Camila, or Bea, or because of work.

Instead of arguing back, knowing I would lose to his stubbornness, I just said my goodbyes to the three so I'd have enough time to get ready.

"Be good, Mal, I love you." I smiled, placing a kiss on my niece's forehead as I left out the front.

Once I got home though, I showered and got dressed so I'd have time to run a few errands before it was really time to leave out.

I figured it was gonna be cold later tonight, so I put on some hoodie of Camila's with Sweetener written across it. I wasn't exactly sure which band that was, but I liked the look of it with my fit, so I kept it on.

Just as I was about to leave out and go grocery shopping, I got a text from Doug, earlier than what I expected. Honestly, I was hoping this was him canceling so I didn't have to go anymore.

                    doug middlebroom💙

doug middlebroom💙: i know i said we were all gonna meet up @ 8 but everyone's here already. so get ur ass hereeeeee
recieved 6:35pm

me: on my way middlebroom
sent 6:37pm

doug middlebroom💙: middlebrook***
received 6:40pm

me: its gonna forever be middlebroom
sent 6:42pm

doug middlebroom💙: fuck u. but get here bitch🥳
received 6:45pm

I laughed at his text before once again, grabbing my car keys and driving to Spoon's bowling alley. It was only about twenty minutes away, and traffic wasn't bad so the commute was easy. The problem was, once I pulled up, I noticed that the parking lot was super full.

into you//imagine Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt