|94| softy

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Sam x Bucky
Bucky's a total softy, but just for Sam

A yawn watered Sam's eyes, he blinked the tears away rubbing his face tiredly. He took a deep breath in that was quickly followed by another yawn,"... I'm so tired." He didn't speak to anyone in particular, Sam leaned onto the palm of his left hand while his right worked the mouse of his computer. He typed a few more words before he decided to stop because his exhausted state made for incorrectly spelled words and incoherent sentences. Sam saved the drafts, turned off his lap top. As much as Sam loved writing, it made his brain ache, writing was especially hard when he couldn't think of one specific word making him stop writing completely to go through his dictionary and thesaurus. Today was productive though which Sam was absolutely joyous about, he managed to write six pages in one sitting, and he didn't even drink any caffeine either. Once the computer was off, the small office space plummeted into darkness (aside from a few outlines and shadows he could see) Sam had to feel around just to be safe. 

Once he made it out safely from the small room, Sam walled leisurely to his room, he had no hurry, but that didn't mean he wasn't dying to be in bed. During the short stroll it seemed that Sam was starting to grow a headache that soon would turn into a migraine, Sam judged by the fact that he may or may not have forgotten to actually eat. But hey, at least he drank water and was hydrated. While one had rubbed his temple the other worked to find the bathroom light switch, which he found after a few slaps to the bathroom wall. Sam's eyes were squinting the whole time from the light and the growing pain in his head. He thought about taking medicine, except he hadn't eaten and it wasn't really a good idea to take three different pills for his migraine without a full stomach plus Sam was beyond tired to make a snack. So he opted for sleeping the pain away, and it would work for the first three hours before he started to wake up from the throbbing feeling on his forehead and above his neck by his ears. 

Sam pushed his covers off reluctantly, they fell off the bed, and headed to the kitchen. There he was met with the sight of Bucky in sweatpants shirtless taking handfuls of potato chips into his mouth. 

"I see you're out of your cave,"Bucky observed with a mouthful of salty chips. Sam didn't spare another glance and headed for the medicine cabinet which was next to the fridge. Bucky took notice of Sam's shaky hands and pained look,"you okay?"

"I feel like cutting my head off." Sam stared blankly at the pill bottles, one for pain, one for nausea, and one more pain but it was an over-the-counter medicine, not prescribed. Sam leaves the bottles on the counter beneath the cabinet and goes to the pantry to get a water bottle, he can feel Bucky's eyes on him the whole time. Sam can hear Bucky crinkle the chip bag and it makes him wince slightly. 

"I know you're not about to take that without eating, you didn't come out once today to eat,"Bucky said sternly. Sam didn't bother looking at him and focussed on opening the bottles, the task was quite hard since he was sleepy and was starting to feel weaker by the minute. Bucky forgot all about his midnight snack, his attention was all on Sam,"c'mon sit down, I'll make you something light." Bucky patted the stool that was under the island and pulled it out, Sam listened willingly, but only because he was too worn out to argue. As Sam made his way to the stool with the unopened pill bottles and water bottle, Bucky grabbed ingredients for Sam's light dinner. Bucky didn't want Sam to eat anything that would make him feel sick so he decided on a ham and cheese sandwich with a glass of orange juice (not apple because Sam said it made his mouth taste weird). In the short moment, the pills went forgotten by Sam as he laid his head down on the island top to cool down his face. Bucky saw as Sam's eyes closed slowly when he glanced back at him as he put the cheese and ham in the refrigerator. 

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