Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"

Start from the beginning

Master Khan:This is ridiculous!*he yelled horrified then he had threw his hands towards Mac and Danny revealing purple lightening strikes towards them, stopping them from moving. Both Danny and Mac struggled to break free as the strike felt like it was burning through their skin as the axe attached to the chain around Danny's arm and slipped down and landed onto the floor and he moved his arm towards the wall and the axe had flew over to the wall near Ava, pulling it away from Danny to be able to grab it*You kids don't know when to give can't be!*his eyes widened in pure fear as he sees Danny forcing himself heading towards Khan, looking like he couldn't feel the lightening*No! That's impossible! Flames of Faltine!*he spoke as fire came out of his hands and aimed towards Danny, the flames had combined with the bolts turning the bolts orange, Danny stepped back in shock and confusion as he looks at his hands and arms that was surrounded with the orange  force around him*

Danny:W-what's happening?*he said not knowing that his voice was a bit high pitched, he didn't know what was happening and turns to Mac for a response who was struggling to move out of the bolt*Mac! W-what's going on with my body?

Mac:I...don't know!*he groaned out struggling to speak and move from the bolt*

Master Khan:What matter of man are you?!*the orange force from Danny's body had sucked inside his hands like he was absorbing the force*Impossible! I have to focus all my power into one last supreme spell...Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!*the red laser ropes had wrapped itself around Danny tying his body up, he tried to move but the rope kept getting tighter and tighter*I'm surprised powers are indestructible, especially the should have killed you, but absorbed it, how?

Danny:I don't...k-know!*he managed to respond back with a raspy tone as the rope kept tightening him, not allowing him to breath*

Master Khan:You're more interesting than I*he turns to the huge green crystal in front of him then he forms a wide grin, Danny glares at him through the mask as he kept struggling to move as his body kept tightening, he stood still and looks down to his fists waiting for them to light up but didn't, he turns and sees Mac struggling to move as he was gasping loudly for air, he became light headed as he felt his chest tightening up*There's no point in trying to escape'll die anyway...

Danny glared at him from under his mask giving an icy stare. Khan had raises his hand towards the walk behind him as the green crystal had shined a bright white light towards the wall. It opened up a hole that had showed a house, a house that Danny was familiar with, it was Peter's house. Fear struck into Danny's eyes, he froze and stared with wide eyes under his mask in which Mac started to cough badly. Khan began to chuckle with an evil grin as he sees Danny who froze, he then looks towards the huge broke hole in the wall and sees the female spy and the Steel Serpent. As they began to run towards him and jump towards Khan, they gotten grabbed by red laser ropes that had tied each of them together and was thrown back towards the pillar. Danny kept quiet in fear as he kept his attention to the portal, he couldn't hear the yells from the Serpent who was tied behind him, who was constantly calling him name

Master Khan:You're scared aren't you?*he asked as he still had a grin on his face, Danny kept his head down not giving a response that had made Khan furious but still had his resting face*You don't have to answer'll answer when I bring you the spider's head and everyone that you care deeply about...*Danny gave no response then he forms himself a frown of pure annoyance expecting a response*Very well...I'll tell Parker that you said hi*he opened his hand that had revealed a blue knife that had a curved blade, he then proceeded to step inside the portal but stops in slight surprise as he heard Danny yelling at him to stop that had echoed around the room, the spy and the Serpent looks at him in shock then Khan had formed himself a small grin before he turned around and faces towards Danny who still had his head down, Khan's knife then faded away from his hand*

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