He jumps hissing in pain at the burning sensation in his arm. "Ow." He mutters out and you sigh taking a swig of the vodka yourself. "Just try not to scream." You say seriously and with sympathy because he thought that hurt. You hadn't even started to stitch it up yet. You hand him the quarter full bottle encouraging him to drink more of it as you threaded the needle with the floss they found. You were thankful wasn't mint flavored floss because honestly that would suck, the mint flavoring would probably burn.

"Dump some on this." You say holding up the needle and floss beside you and he dose what you ask. You shake it off tying to dry it a little before you hold his arm down, "Alright don't move." You instruct as you thread the first stitch. He physically tenses all over and he holds back a yell of pain as you work. You pause after the first one looking up at him making sure he was okay. "I'm good. Just get it over with." He says obviously in pain before downing more of the alcohol in hand and you skillfully start to stitch the gash up in his arm. One painful stitch at a time.

By the time Shane and Glenn had came back you had just finished putting the last piece of electrical tape over the bandage protecting his stitched wound. T-dog was drunk enough to be put in the RV and sleep off this horrible day. "I got him." Glenn says taking the bottle of half full vodka from T and handing it to you. You watch Glenn try to help the much larger man stand and walk into the RV.

You still sat on the crate facing the inside of the RV and Shane stood beside the RV leaned up against it with his arms crossed facing the woods behind you. He didn't look at you and you sigh sliding the crate to be on the other side of the door way so you could lean against the RV and watch for Daryl and Rick to come back. Hopefully with Sophia this time. You take a few gulps of the vodka in hand making Shane look down at you when you moved and he chuckles at you. "Dale is gonna be pissed if ya drink his stash." He comments with a smirk and you look up at him to see him looking back at the woods.

You saw his busted lip that you gave him and you sigh taking another sip of it. "I'll take my chances." You reply and he scoffs playfully at you. He looks down at you staring at the woods and he reaches for the bottle. You hand it up to him letting him take it, "Well now your just as guilty as me." You tease making him smile at you after he swallows his mouth full of the burning liquid. "I ain't never been Dales favorite anyway." He says making you giggle at him rolling your eyes. He wasn't wrong, him and Dale butted heads all the time. "Shane... I'm sorry bout earlier..." you say reluctantly looking back up at him to find him looking down at you gently. "Don't worry about it. Ain't the first ass kickin' you've given me. Probably won't be the last if we're being honest." He says handing you back the bottle of vodka making you smile at him knowing he was right.

"I think I scared Lori." You say suddenly taking in more of the alcohol staring to feel the affects of it. "It's been hard these past few days (Y/n). She's just on edge. I doubt she's afraid of you." He says trying to make you feel better but you just keep your eyes on the woods that were getting darker by the minute with the setting sun. "You think she will be mad at me if I gave Carl my small pocket knife." You ask him and he looks down at you with a 'really' face. You stay silent and nod knowing she would be but Rick would back you up and so would Shane.

"It's better for him to have one than to be unarmed like Sophia is." He says looking down and you sigh. "Actually... she had one too. She found it earlier today and was gonna give it to me until I asked her mom. I told her to hang onto it for me until I did. I'm so glad I did too. Even if her mom gets mad. At least she has a chance now." You say and Shane sighs. "That makes me feel better too but I don't know how Carol is gonna see that." He says honestly and you sigh glad you had a buzz going so the guilt wasn't totally mind consuming.

You look down knowing he was right, and as if on cue Carol came storming around the corner. "You gave my baby girl a knife?" She asks you with red puffy eyes and tears still run down her face. "Carol. Let me explain." You say standing holding your hands up not liking how upset she was. "You should have been there to protect her! Not give her a knife and leave her alone under a car!" She says almost yelling and all words left your mind. You stare at her in complete shock and she freezes with what just flew out of her mouth. You look down in total guilt, you couldn't help but think she was right. The fact that she said it out loud made your heart hurt from the guilt all the more.

Angel (Daryl Dixion x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu