Kyouhaba: Hang Out?

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"This is Rosie," Kyoutani said, gesturing to a black chihuahua mix quivering under a blanket. "She's very timid. We haven't found a single person who she'll go up to. She's somewhat potty trained, friendly once she gets to know you."

"She looks cute," Yahaba said, peeking through the bars. 

"Yeah, she's been here for a while. People don't like dogs that won't immediately bond with them. Those bug eyes don't help much either, people seem to find her disconcerting." Yahaba set his jaw. 

"Can she be one of the ones I see?"

"Yeah, sure," Kyoutani said with a smile. 

They passed a few more cages, but only one other really caught Yahaba's eye. 

"This is George. Now the reason people don't like him, well, to put it plainly, he's just ugly." Yahaba couldn't argue with that. He was a weird reddish brown color, he had a huge lump on his neck, and his eyes were weirdly small, and when he looked up at you, the whites of his eyes clearly showed. "He's pretty outgoing, he just has a bit of a slobbering problem and an ear infection." 

"I want to see him, too."

"Ha! You've really picked the two most unpopular dogs in the whole place. It's a nice gesture." Kyoutani smiled at him again and Yahaba's heart rate quickened, just slightly. "If you want to go over to that room, you can wait there and I'll bring George, and then Rosie, alright?"

Yahaba nodded and made his way to the room to wait. He felt so bad for all the animals here, but he felt like he was doing something good by helping out the ugly and shy ones. Just because a dog looks a little funky doesn't mean that it won't be a good dog. 

Kyoutani brought in George, and he immediately warmed up to Yahaba. After a few minutes, Kyoutani put George back in his cage and brought out Rosie. As advertised, Rosie would not even go up to Yahaba. He sat on his knees and held out a treat, but she still wouldn't get anywhere near him, cowering in the corner. He was determined to make this dog like him. 

"She really is a good dog once she gets used to you," Kyoutani said affectionately. 

And slowly, but surely, she inched towards him. After what seemed like forever, she took the first treat from his hand. After a few more rounds of that, Rosie even got close enough so that Yahaba could lightly pet her head. In the corner of his eye, Yahaba saw Kyoutani smiling at him as he tried to pet the dog, and Yahaba's ears burned red. He must look stupid, he knew it. 

Eventually, Rosie seemed almost comfortable with him (emphasis on almost). 

"Ah, well I hate to leave George, but I think I might have to go with Rosie here," Yahaba said, petting the small dog. 

"She deserves it, she's been here longer than anyone else, so I'm glad." Kyoutani offered his hand to Yahaba to help him up, and Yahaba took it gladly. 

They got the adoption papers all written up and the fee paid for, and right before Yahaba was about to leave, Kyoutani took one of the papers and scribbled something at the top. 

"Okay, this is at the top is my number, in case you have any questions or if there are any problems, or just, if you need something." Kyoutani had a charming smile on his face as he handed the paper to Yahaba, and Yahaba returned the smile shyly. Was he trying to imply something else with that? The wording seemed... interesting. Especially at that last part. 

"Yeah... okay." Yahaba offered one last smile and left the shelter, cradling his new dog in his arms. 


Yahaba had gotten home, walked the dog, fed her, and set up a bed for her in the living room upon which she was peacefully slumbering. Everything was great, yet Yahaba could not stop staring at the number written atop the adoption paper. 

Should he call? Was he overthinking this? Was he imagining the vibes? He was sure he had felt vibes at the shelter. Yahaba squinted at the page. He had been wrong about vibes before. 

He dialed the number. 

"Hello?" Yahaba froze for a moment, briefly forgetting what one said when someone answered their call. 

"This is Yahaba. From the shelter. Animal shelter. Earlier today." He heard laughing on the other side of the phone. 

"Yeah, I remember you. Is everything alright?"

"Uh, yeah! She's doing great, she ate and is just getting accustomed to the area," Yahaba said. 

"Great!" An awkward silence. Yahaba had to say something. 

"Uh... would? um... sorry. Uh, wou-would you like to hang out with me sometime?" Ridiculous. Hang out? Yahaba was a fool. 

"Hang out?"

"Uhh like a date hang out?" Yahaba was regretting this call more for every second it lasted. He heard Kyoutani sigh. Ah, a mistake had been made. 

"Oh, I am so glad you understood what I was trying to say earlier when I gave you my number. I was so sure that I had been too vague." Yahaba was silent with shock. This was not a mistake? Sensing his surprise, Kyoutani continued, "Yes, I would like to hang out with you, Yahaba."


Yahaba cursed himself at his awkwardness, but was smiling inwardly. He had a date.


it's flan back with another boring chapter where almost nothing happens i'm very sorry

also i am very passionate about animal shelters and do stand confident in the stance that i think dog breeding should be banned and if anyone would like to discuss that subject i'm down

adopt don't shop folks 

Haikyuu One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora