You Can't Just Up and Leave Me Like That! [Part 1]

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Based off of an:
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No
Prompt?: Yes {You can't just write me a letter like this then leave me.}
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes and No in a way it is, but it's also not because of a certain part, but it will be updated very soon!

I listened to the song above while writing it, it in no way shape or form was written off of the song, it just goes along with this short story really well.

A\N: one I am so very sorry about the authors note. Two you need to know this will get updated as soon as the new house tour is up, I will repost it with better details of the house. Three again this is in honor of the new trap house. I got the idea from them moving out and thought it'd be really cute.

Word count: 2100 (at this time, update could change it later)


Your Pov:
I woke up in my bed with my eyes stinging with pain, reminding me of the previous night's events. I've been locked up in my house for almost three days, just crying.

I am so heartbroken and I'm tired of all the pain from seeing the one I love with someone else. Someone who's prettier, smarter, and whatever else can come to mind that's better than me.

Who am I kidding? Colby will only ever see me as a best friend. I want the pain to stop though... I can't take it anymore.

I grab my phone and see a bunch of messages from both Sam and Colby. I read all of Sam's first.

Samantha😝: Where the hell are you? We're all worried sick.

Samantha😝: We haven't seen you for three days again.

Samantha😝: Y/n 😞, you can't keep doing this!

Samantha😝: I know you love him, but you'll be ok. Do I need to come over?

Oh Sam, he's a wonderful friend who's like a big brother to me, but he has his person. If I keep living this life, I can't ever be happy. He doesn't see how hard it is watching the person you love most love someone that isn't you.

I take a moment, then reply to all his texts at once.

Y/n: you know where I'm at.... Yes I'm heartbroken. I'm sorry, I just needed time to myself for a while, and honestly Sam, not to sound mean at all, but you have literally no clue what I am going though. You have your other half, I don't, he's off with another girl.......

Y/n: and no, DO NOT come over!

I know he'll disregard that last message and come anyway. He's Sam, that's what he does every time. It's like an endless cycle that won't ever stop. I then go into Colby's texts, but with no intentions of answering him. I just have to see what he has to say.

Colby💙: hey, where'd you go? We haven't seen you in a few days. I'm starting to worry.....

Colby💙: please answer me y/n, I'm getting really worried.

Colby💙: come on, please....

Colby💙: did I do something wrong?

I just scoff and ignore his texts. It's all too much, it's always too much, it's always, always this cycle and I just can't get away from it. I sit there for a few minutes when I'm suddenly more awake then I ever have been.

I get up and run to my spare bedroom and grab my notebook that I've written in over the years.

I open the notebook up to a specific date, and as I read the words over, my heart clenches with pain from the memory of that day.

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