Principal: My dear students this year musicana isn't going to be ordinary. This year the band that wins musicana is gonna get a very special reward. Well, this time the band that wins musicana will get an opportunity to do an album with Radio O2 and that album will comprise of three songs

The students cheered listening to the Principal while fab 5 and yaari looked on with dreamy eyes.

Principal: Not just that, the band who comes second or rather becomes the first runner up gets an opportunity to work with the winning team on the album for one out of the three songs. Sounds amazing right?

He completed and in turn only heard the cheerful hooting of the students.

Principal: So buck up all the participants for this time musicana is gonna bring you a golden life time opportunity

He said and left the auditorium leaving the students behind who indulged themselves in discussions related to the recent announcement.

Maddy: Whoa! Now this is huge

Exclaimed Maddy.

Mukti: I know right!

Abhimanyu: I wasn't expecting this when he mentioned reward

Dhruv: Same but guys we need to buck up. Doesn't matter who wins if its among us

Cabir: And we gotta make sure that the winner and the runner up title doesn't go to someone other than us

Alia: It'll be so much fun doing an album together. Also, this calls for shopping guys...we definitely need new outfits so let's go to the mall today? We hardly have a week left for musicana to begin

She beamed as the rest looked at her in disbelief.

Manik: Seriously Alia?

Alia: What? This is equally important

She shrugged carelessly making the others nod their heads in disbelief for they knew it was useless arguing with her when it came to shopping.

Nandini: She is right guys, we do need to shop but Alia before that we need to decide on a song and practice right? Afterall our outfits should match the genre of our songs too

She explained to which Alia nodded thoughtfully.

Alia: You are right. Shopping can wait for now

She agreed making the rest sigh in relief. Let's say they were just glad to not having to be a part of Alia's crazy shopping spree just yet.

They soon dispersed off to their music rooms to practice their songs after a little chit chat and this was how their entire week passed. Musicana had finally arrived and the gang was very excited. It was the opening night of musicana whereas the actual competition was to start the next day. Manik and Nandini were to perform a song so as to welcome their chief guest followed by a group performance of fab 5 and yaari together.

Manik and Nandini were set to rock the stage and so they did. They performed on a beautiful fusion yet romantic number after which announcement about the arrival of the chief guest was made. The guest arrived  and with his arrival, the gang's excitement died since he was none other than Maddy's grandfather. Fear gripped Madhyam as he remembered scenarios of the past but one assuring smile from all his friends and a group hug was enough to cheer him up.

It was time for their group performance now. The gang could easily notice the indifference on GD's face throughout the performance but they cared less while Maddy was just happy about performing with his friends, not giving a damn about what all GD could do.

The performance ended and needless to say, the crowd was going crazy. The non stop hooting and cheering definitely brought huge grins on the gang's faces while anyone could say that GD wasn't liking it just by looking at the poker face he made.

Sanjana: You guys rocked it there!

Sanjana beamed throwing her arms around Maddy, taking him in a hug as soon as the gang arrived backstage.

Aditi: Really! You know even the teachers in here couldn't stop gushing about how good you guys were

Aditi exclaimed happily as she hugged Aryaman making both the boys chuckle at their crazy girls.

Abhimanyu: Well, thank you girls

He bowed down dramatically making them giggle.

Mukti: So guys celebration toh banta hai na after such an amazing performance, what say?

Cabir: That's exactly what I wanted to  say. Let's get drunk tonight!

Manik: No drinks Cabir. I don't want all of us to have hungover faces when we perform tomorrow

Dhruv: He's right. Let's just spend this night together at someone's place

He suggested.

Alia: Yes let's go to my place, vaise bhi bhai isn't in town so we can chill just like we do every year...our fab 5 tradition

Mukti: Yup and guys (looking at yaari) this time even you are invited because now you all are a part of us. Also, Aditi and Sanjana I hope you guys know you are included too

Nandini: But Mukti it's your fab 5 tradition and we don't want to intrude

Manik: Don't be silly Nandini, you all aren't intruding. In fact, we'll be happy to have you guys there

Cabir: Exactly. Guys zyaada socho mat and let's make a move

Cabir began walking out, dragging Navya along with him and so did Manik with Nandini making the rest follow them with a smile on their faces.

Happy reading.

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And yes, stay home and stay safe all of you.

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