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Start from the beginning

"I think that your letter was late so I would take you to your teacher for the year so he could give you instructions on what you should do." I turned my head toward the person that was leading me through the school halls. I nodded to them, my eyes still roaming around the place.

I couldn't help but grin the longer I looked around me. I was finally in UA and I honestly couldn't wait to see what going to school here had in store for me.

"Here we are," The person whose name I still didn't know told me. "I'll take your bags to your room. Just follow the arrows until you make it to the elevator and press floor two. When you get out, just walk down the hall until you see your name on the door." Trying to process all that was told to me, I ran a hand through my hair and thanked the person who then walked off.

When they were gone, I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard a 'come in' and as I walked in, I was met with a few teachers who I recognised from a few days ago that were at the arena.

They all were facing me and I just looked at them since I wasn't sure what to do. "Oh, it's Midoriya's son. The one that we had to stop from possibly getting himself killed along with Endeavor's son." I heard the woman who I knew at Midnight say. I couldn't help but stand there in shock since these were the Betas that everyone knew.

"Welcome to UA!" I knew that was Present Mic from his loud voice. A laugh emitted from me when the raven-haired male hit him across his head causing him to pout and fold his arms.

"I understood that your letter arrived late Midoriya," I couldn't forget Aizawa. I nodded rapidly and chuckles left the other people in the room. Were these people going to be my teachers for the year?

"Well, for now, you could just go to your room or to the common area. Lunch will be served soon so just look at the schedule." Aizawa said and I bowed before thanking him. "Also, after lunch, you and everyone else will be separated into two classes so everyone would be led to a hall directly after that period. Don't be late." Not wanting to disappoint the Betas in the room, I nodded and thanked them again, trying my best to suppress the large smile that was threatening to form on my facial features.

Leaving the room, I looked at the arrows on the wall and began to follow the directions that I vaguely remembered from earlier.

I finally made it to my room, seeing my name on the door. My hand came into contact with the knob and I turned it, opening the door to be met with the room that I would be staying in for the year.

My eyes roamed around the room and I only realised that my bags were at the door after a while. I ignored them for now, making a mental note that I would have to put my stuff in the drawers provided later. I then looked around for the schedule and when I found it over the bed head, I walked over to it.

"12 p.m." I whispered when I saw that that was the time that lunch would start. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I saw that it was 11:32 a.m and that I would have to go down soon. Still, I wanted to look around before lunch actually started so I decided that I would go to the common area as Aizawa mentioned.

I wanted to call my mother first though since I promised her so I began dialing her number and pressed the phone to my ear, waiting on her to answer.

"Izuku?" I heard her soft voice over the phone. I smiled when I heard her and then spoke up.

"Hey Mom, I'm here already," I told her and heard what seemed to be a sigh of relief. As expected of her, she began telling me to be careful and not to get hurt. She also told me that she wanted me to call her every day to tell her how everything was going. Of course, I agreed to her and then soon, the call had ended.

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