Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A/N: Blah blah blah

i opened the door and i toke a step forward stood there for second to see if she would do anything she didn't move so i told another step then another till i was at the top of the stairs i was about to take the first step down the stairs when i felt someone push me and i am guessing it was ronnie cause she was the only person up there with me. We both rolled down the stairs when we got to the bottom i couldn't move i just layed there hoping i would just die because i swear i broke a bone. But nope ronnie didnt care she wanted to get me back for what i said  so her stupid self got on top of me (shut up you nasty prevs) and was like

"you flacking beach why did you say that"


"say it"

"i dont know it just came out sorry"

"sorry does not cut it"

"okay how can i prove it to you that i am sorry"

" can do all my chores at my house for a month"

"ugh fine just get off me i cant breath"

"good shake on it"

"yup please get off me"


So ronnie got off me and helped me up and i noticed the boys were standing there laughing at us.

"what is so flacking funny" i asked putting my hands on my hips

"oh nothing" zayn said

"tell me or i take you gel and put milk in it"

"it was funny that ronnie said you flacking beach and you guys were fighting over something that wasn't a big deal she is a fan well duh she will have a crush on one of us and just like you; you were a fan and you had a crush on niall right"

"right" i said

"ronnie do i still have to do your chores"

"pshh yes you start tomorrow"

"omg i hate this" i said pushing threw everyone and walked to the couch and sat down.

"im hurngy" niall said

"well order something form where ever" liam said

"okay how about taco bell" niall said back

"i dont care" everyone said but me

"amber babe what would you like" niall asked me


"you have to eat something"

"no i dont"

"yes you do"





"fine get whatever but with no meat in it"

"good girl two bean tacos for amber what do you guys want"

"i want two of those nacho Doritos taco things" ronnie said

"me too"

"me too"

"me too"

"me too"

"so 10 nacho Doritos taco things two bean tacos and 3 soft tacos yup that sounds good"

so niall and liam went and got the food while everyone else stay at the house doing i dont know and i dont care i really am not in the mood no more. I just sat on the couch just starting at the blank tv screen. I just wanted to go home and sleep in my bed with niall but that looks like it wont happen soon i guess i just have to sleep here at the boys house.

"FOODS HERE" niall yelled from the front door i didnt move a inch i just sat there

"amber come eat" harry said from the table

"no" i said but instead of just sitting there i got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door i wanted to be alone right now and it is not that i have to do ronnies chores for a month it is just that it is alot to take in that i am dating the Niall James Horan and i am best friends with the other boys from one direction i need time for myself to think this over am i the best choice for niall. My thoughts  got interpreted by some one knocking on the door.

"amber it is liam can i come in"

"go away liam"

"no i will not i will sit outside this door as long as i have to"

"what ever you say daddy direction"

A/N: Another cliff hanger hahaaha How long will Liam have to sit outside the bathroom door? How long will Amber sit in there? Will Amber and Niall break up? Will Amber break Ronnies Deal? you will all have to wait to the next few chapters. Comment/Vote/Share with your friends

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