Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A/N: Omg, I love all my readers because, this week, I reached over 200 reads.. I am so happy. I love you all. Hope you like chapter 8 :D And this is the ONLY chapter with a Niall's POV. If I don't write it like that, no one will get the first part pf this chapter. Enjoy!!  

Niall's POV (point of view)  

I heard a knock at the door. I looked over at Amber. She was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her cause she looked tired. So I got up to answer the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. There stood... HARRY.

"Hi Harry. What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Well, never mind. What would you like?"

"I need to talk to Amber."

"Well, she is sleeping."

"Okay, move so I can come in and wake her up. It is really important."

"NO, you can't wake her up. She was really tired."

"Oh, hey Harry. What are you doing here?" Amber said, while walking down the stairs.

"I came to talk to you, but Niall here won't let me go past the doorway," he said, pointing at me.

(End of Niall's POV)

"Niall, let him in."


"Harry, what did you come here to talk to me about?"

"I think you should have a seat."


"Well, last night, while you were here with Niall, Louis got a call from your Mom and Dad. They saw the pictures of you with us and they called our manager and asked for one of our number. Well, those dumb people gave them Louis's number and they called and starting yelling at me and Louis."

"What? Omg, what did they say? Are they coming here?"

"Well, they said they aren't coming now, but when they get their vacation days from work, they will."

"Of course, work always comes first."

"What are you going to do?" Niall said.

"Well, I am 18 so I can do whatever I want cause I am a legal age now. So if I don't wanna go with them, I don't have to."

"Well, I really don't want to see you go. I don't think any of the boys want to cause we all love having you around."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Can we go back to your place and hang out with you and the other boys?"

"Yeah, sure." So Niall, Harry, and I drove to Harry's place and I guess the other boys were already there cause, when I walked through the door, I was tackled by a boy named Louis and was almost tackled by a boy named Liam.

"AMBER, AMBER, I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!" Louis screamed in my ear.

"LOUIS, LOUIS, LOUIS, BACK AT YOU!!!" I screamed in his ear.

"Ow, that hurt," he whined.

"Well, you did it to me."


"Don't come any closer Liam. If you want a hug, just ask," I said, while he was running up to me with his arms open.

"Okay Amber, can I have a hug?"

"Yes, you can. Come here."

"Yeah!" he yelled before he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Dang, I didn't know that Liam was that strong. He must have been working out.

"Umm Liam? I can't breathe."

"Oh, I am so sorry Amber."

"It is okay. Wait, where's Zayn?"

"Right here. Umm, Amber? Can I talk to you in private?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Zayn and I walked down the hallway and into a room. I am guessing it was Harry's room.

"So, what would you like to talk about?"

"I don't know how to tell you this, but Amber, I like-I like you a lot."

"Oh, ummm," I said, while slowly sitting down on Harry's bed.

"I know it is kinda hard for you to take that in cause I can have any girl I want, but I want you."

"Ummm... I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything," he said. Right before he slammed his lips onto mine.

  A/N: OMG, OMG. What will Amber do? Will she kiss Zayn back or pull away? I don't know. You will have to wait till chapter 9. I would like to give a big thank you and a shout out to my best friend @vas_girl for giving my the idea for this chapter cause I kinda had writer's block and she gave me this idea and I loved it. SHOUT OUT RONNIE!! LOVE YA!!  

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