Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning (sorry that all my fanfics start out with that line) and I had a really bad headache. So I took some Tylenol and then I checked my twitter. 15,000 followers. Omg. I couldn't believe that I had 15,000 followers on twitter. I gotta call Niall and tell him. 



"Hey Niall, did you see?" 

"See what?" 

"I have 15,000 followers on twitter." 

"Omg, really?" 

"Yeah, go look. How did I get so many overnight?" 

"Oh. Maybe cause Zayn tweeted about you." 

"Oh yeah. Maybe. I am so happy." 

"Well, I gotta go to practice. Talk to you later. Bye Amber." 

"Okay. Bye Niall." 

So I decided to tweet to all my new followers. 

@amber(: Hello all my new followers. I love you all, even if I am just a small town girl (: 

I am so hungry, I thought to myself. So I walked into the kitchen and opened the door thing (didn't know how to spell the real word. Sorry) and there was NO FOOD in there. I guess I have to go to the store and pay for some food, so I can eat. So I drove to the store and I was getting stuff to make tacos when, all of a sudden, all I heard was, 

"OMG, OMG! IT'S AMBER!!!" So I turned around and two girls were standing there, freaking out. 

"Umm..hi," I said, waving to them. 

"Omg, she said 'hi' to us," one of them said, hitting the other one. 

"Okay Jenni, stop hitting me. Umm.hi Amber. Can we get your autograph?" 

"Sure. Do you have paper and a pen?" 

"Yes, right here." They handed me the pen and paper and I scribbled my initials on both pieces of paper. 

"Here you go guys," I said while turning on my heels. 

"Wait, can we get a picture with you too?" the blond one said. 

I rolled my eyes before I turned around. All I wanted to do was buy some food and go home, cook it, and eat it. 

"Sure." So I posed so I could take a picture with both girls. Then I said, "Anything else?" 

"Nope. Nice to meet you Amber." 

"You too. Bye you guys." 


So I quickly grabbed everything I needed before I was spotted again. While I was putting my bags in my car, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I waited till I was in my car to look at it, cause it was freaking cold outside. 

New Text Message From: Niall.

"Hey Amber. What are you doing?" 

"Well, I just got in my car after I was done shopping for food. What about you?" 

"Nothing. I am bored as ever. Tell me when you get home." 

"Okay. Text you then."

So I drove home quickly, cause I wanted to know why Niall wanted to know when I got home. After I put the food away and made two tacos for myself, I texted Niall

"Hey Niall. I am home." 

"Okay, get on video chat." 

"Okay, I will be on in a minute." 

I ran to my room and grabbed my laptop off my bed and then ran to the couch. I logged into my Skype and clicked on Nialloffical. I saw his face pop up. 

"Hey Niall." 

"Hey Amber. What's up?" 

"Well, I was eating tacos and then I texted you," I said, putting my tacos in front of the web cam. 

"Oh. Well that sounds pretty fun and those look good. Did you make them?" 

"Yeah. They taste good." 

"Well, I didn't ask you to web cam me to talk about your tacos. So, let's get on topic." 

"Okay. So tell me why you wanted to web cam me," I said with a mouthful of food. 

"Amber, we have know each other for about two months and I love hanging out with you. You are funny, nice, beautiful. You are the best girl I have ever met in my life. So, Amber Cooper, will you be my girlfriend?" Niall said into the web cam. 

"" I didn't know what to say.

A/N: That was chapter 6. Hope you liked it. Comment/vote/add to reading list. I love all my readers. You mean the world to me. 

What will be Amber's answer to Niall's question?

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