Drinks and Flirtations

Start from the beginning

A long sigh droned on from my lips. I really didn't want to defend myself. "Well, between having the gods- which includes my father, by the way, so think before you say anything too terrible- and a titan king who had committed mass genocide and wanted to wipe out the human race... I think I'd rather have the gods in charge even if they used kids to keep their position."

I pretended I didn't see the pout on his face, well, for his sake.

"I am amazed that you lived after the different battles you faced," Elladan said. "It is impressive that you have lived through so much in so few years."

I thought back to the cave. I hadn't expected to live through that. I had hoped that I wouldn't so that I wouldn't have to remember.

"You're right," I told him before taking another swig. "I guess I never really thought about how many times I was faced with certain death."

"It became natural to be in that kind of peril?" Elrohir asked, his dark eyes narrowing.

"Of course it would, she was too young to know anything different," Elladan dismissed his brother.

I sighed. "I was never supposed to be born," I told them. "I was a mistake."

The group became silent at my words as the sound of the other patrons became a fuzzy background noise no one was listening to. Geoffry took a drink before carefully placing the glass down in front of him, staring down at the liquid. "Do you believe you were a mistake, Persie?"

The other ellyn listened to his words with intent.

I shrugged.

"Persie, you are far more than a mistake, mellon nin," Aldarian chastised, moving to sit next to me and draw me in a side hug. "You are so much more."

My heart warmed.

"What makes you feel that way?" Geoffry asked carefully.

I scoffed. "What part about my father accidentally impregnating my mother and bringing upon an apocalypse because of it don't you guys understand?"

Aldarian's arm tightened around me. "I still cannot believe you were sentenced to such a fate."

I let out a huff of air, feeling the flash of frustration I felt start to retreat. "It wasn't me who was sentenced to death. Luke was the one who died. He felt like the gods had abandoned us, and wanted to change that. In some ways, he did."

I felt their questioning gazes as I looked down at the wine glass in my hands. There was enough for one more sip, which was most certainly not enough to help me through this conversation. I didn't feel like explaining my feelings for Luke.

Or what could have been.

Ignoring the looks shot at me, I flagged the waiter down and ordered another glass of wine, which was sent out within moments.

It helped to have some of the most important Lords in Imladris with me, but I like to think it's because the poor elf thinks I'm cute.

I winked at the dark-haired waiter, who immediately blushed at my attention. "Thank you," I told him just before he quickly bowed and scurried away.

"I would not let Glorfindel see you do that," Elladan chimed with his knowing raised brows before he took another sip of his wine. "Us ellyn can occasionally be territorial creatures."

I giggled, leaning into Aldarian's shoulder as his arm tightened once more. "What would he say about Aldarian giving me cuddles?"

Aldarian immediately retracted his arm with a hiss. "I am a full-grown ellon, Persie. I do not give cuddles."

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