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You have no idea. How many times. I have re-written this whole chapter... it was just never good enough, I apologise this took like 3-4 maybe 5 months just to actually exist.

Using his arms as support, Bakugo lifted himself off the uncomfortable spot on the glazed wooden floor. He let out a giant yawn followed by a growl. Moving his neck side to side, each time hearing a loud snap, which widened his eyes before they rested back in a scowl.

Bakugo got up rolling his shoulders, scrunching his face in a slight discomfort. Eyes scanning around the room he only found the red headed Kirishima upside down on the couch. Scratching his collar bone followed by another yawn, Bakugo walked to the bathroom, still trying to wake himself up.

He placed his hand on the handle of the door, before trying to side it open, but it didn't budge. Not even a bit. Just staying still. Bakugo bit down on his jaw, scowling at the door as if it was to be intimidated.

He shoved his hand in his pockets, about to walk away, but a small whimper was heard on the other side. A whimper he knows he has heard before. After a moment of pause, he placed his ear on the door. That's when his suspicions were confirmed.

"Oi, Snake hair." he called, "Open the door." On the other side he heard a quick inhale, before the sound of items being knocked over was heard. Bakugo waited, thinking you were coming to open the door, but after a couple seconds he knew you weren't. "I know you're in there dumbass!" He sneered, trying to keep his voice down.


Normally he would just have walked away, but some indescribable force stopped him. Something tugging him closer instead.

His eyes flicked around to see if anyone was nearby before placing his hand near where he thought the lock would be and blasting it, just enough to break the lock. Then it opened with ease. When he entered the bathroom he didn't see you, but the curtain blocking the view to the bathtub was closed.

Rolling his eyes at what seemed like a stupid attempt to hide from him, he stepped closer to the curtain. "Are you decent in there?" his voice more gentle than usual.

And again he got no reply.

You were expecting him to throw the curtain open, but quite the contrary. He just quietly glided it open, just enough to poke his head through (he was thankful that you had clothes on).

His eyes seemed to glare daggers at your huddled, closed off position at the end of the tub. "What's wrong, Snakes?"


Bakugo let out a sigh, pulling the grey curtain a little further before placing one of his feet in the dry tub, followed by the other. He closed the curtain before plopping down in the other side of the tub, quite uncomfortably too. The bath wasn't that big so he has to tuck his knees to his chest too, but you could still feel his cold toes touching your socks.

Having your arms rested on your legs, you had a small gap where the only thing you could see was Bakugo's and your feet. You seemed to have been starting to relax having his warm aura around, your fingers softening the grip on your elbows.

Bakugo just kept and eye on you, as if he was not sure on what else to do. He almost jumped at the sudden touch of your socks gently tapping his bare feet repeatedly, until they stopped. He looked down at the pause in motion with still eyes.

Before he tapped back.

It was like you two were communicating in toe. Finally you lifted your head from your arms, instead resting it on top of them. That's when you noticed the peaceful look on Bakugo's face as he looked down at the toes gently tapping one another, it was cute. A rare sight to see at the least.

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