● Troubled Heart ●

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To say Namjoon was stressed out would be a complete understatement.

Namjoon was beyond point of being stressed out; he was numb, both mentally and physically.

Namjoon is currently standing in front of his step father's grave, the funeral having been finished two hours ago, yet the detective still remained at the sight, unmoved and just fucking numb. 

It has been a week since the accident, a week since his step father died and Jung Hoseok, who was discovered to be the serial killer, had disappeared, taking Yoongi with him.

The only things that were found were Yoongi's leather jacket, his cellphone, gun, and badge. All found in an abandoned fishing shack not too far from the crime scene.

They were literally so close, yet Hoseok managed to slip past them once again,  taking Yoongi along with him.

Namjoon nearly wants to laugh at the thought. The police are truly incompetent.

"I figured you'd stay behind." Namjoon hears someone speaking to him and turns around to meet Detective Kang, who also lost his partner Detective Choi during the accident. "I'm sorry about your loss." He says, his voice low but calm.

"Me too." Namjoon mutters, then returns his attention back to the grave.

Detective Kang moves closer and stands next to Namjoon, both peering down at the former Chief of Police's grave, not saying a word for a few beats. "He was a good man, very dedicated and loyal to his line of work."

Namjoon snorts. Loyal my ass.

"It was a huge blow when word got out about his death, and now everyone is on a stand still on who should take over." Namjoon hears shuffling, then feels something poke at his shoulder. He glances down and sees a folded envelope with the Seoul Police Department seal on it.

"But...we found this in Chief Bang's office. It's his final orders. If something were to happen to him, he wanted you to take over as chief of police."

Stunned would be the right way to describe what Namjoon felt at that moment, but also confusion, anger and a swirl of every emotion that he can muster. 

"Everyone in the department agrees that you are perfect for this job." Detective Kang continues. "You're highly intelligent and one of the best officers we got."

"I have to think about it." Namjoon mutters, then looks down at the grave again, silently cursing his step father for putting this on him. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that next step."

Detective Kang sighs. "I believe you are ready, but I'll give you some time to think it over." He places the envelope back into his jacket and nods to Namjoon. "The offer still stands. Myself, along with the others, will be waiting for your decision."

With that being said, Detective Kang leaves, and Namjoon lets out a deep breath as he looks up upon the dull grey sky, its colors matching what his heart has been feeling.


"I don't want to go to my violin lessons! I want to eat more cake!"

"But miss Aurem, your violin lessons are today. You must attend them." Jin grimly smiles at the little girl before him who was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the lobby.

She's the daughter of the owner of the hotel and Jin wad assigned to watch her for a week. A task that he thought would be easy, had proven to be quite difficult due to the little girl's demanding nature.

"I don't care!" The little girl stomps her feet, her face turning red as she folds her small arms across her chest and glares up at Jin. "I want cake now!"

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