● Here, Kitty, Kitty ●

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"We got another body, a young male in his twenties, his name was Lee Jihoon, a student at the Seoul University." Namjoon informs as he and Yoongi pull up to the crime scene.

The crime scene was located at the park near the university, where the victim was found laying upon a park bench, his stomach gutted with his organs nearly falling out.

They get out and head over to the scene, pushing past the forensic team to get a good look at the body.

"Yup, this is the work of our serial killer." Yoongi observes the body closely, his face scrunching with disgust when he smells a hint a vomit from the body.

"Now the killer is going after men..." Namjoon leans in closer with a quizzical expression as he studies the body, especially the face. "Hmm, strange.."

"What's strange?" Yoongi's gaze narrows as he inspects the body, taking notice to the bruising around the victims neck.

"The victim kinda looks like you."

Yoongi cackles a little, tossing a glare at Namjoon. "Don't you wish it was?"

"Yoongi." Namjoon groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a deep exhale. "That's not what I meant." He mutters.

"Whatever. I don't see the similarity between us." Yoongi scoffs and digs into his pocket for his cigarette, frowning when he realizes he doesn't have his lighter.

"I do, and if the killer is going after men this time, then we might have a chance of catching him." Namjoon speaks as he observes his surroundings, taking notice of all the bars and cafes around.

"How so?" Yoongi asks as he glances around as well, noticing alot of university students wandering around the area.

"We can always use you as bait." Yoongi locks eyes with Namjoon, giving him a blank stare. "Just hear me out. Serial killers work in patterns, they often kill victims with similar assets. All the women that were killed all had black hair, brown eyes, and were picked up in clubs.  If the victim looks like you, then the serial killer will most likely go after men that look similar to you."

Namjoon huffs and steps closer to Yoongi, looking around to make sure no one was in earshot. "You of all people should know how a serial killer works. You used to be one."

"Watch it Namjoon." Yoongi warns, his gaze hardening to the point where it looks threatening. Yoongi hates being reminded of the monster he once was. The monster that killed for pleasure and addiction.

Namjoon takes a sec and looks around at the officers before stepping closer to Yoongi, towering him with his height. "Yoongi, I know you might hate this, but I'm going to need you to tap into your killer instincts. I need you to start thinking like a killer, that's the only way we'll be able to stop this serial killer."

What Namjoon was asking was a pretty huge risk, one that can land him in trouble with the Chief, but fuck it, these murders are getting out of hand and he knows Yoongi can stop this killer.

Yoongi bites his inner cheek, tossing an ice cold glare at Namjoon. "You're a prick for asking me that."

"Yoongi, its been months and we haven't found this killer. I know what I'm asking is out of line, but please-"

"Fuck off back to hell Namjoon. I'm not doing it." Yoongi growls, eyes going dark as he turns away from the taller male. "It took me years to get over that addiction, years Namjoon. You of all people watched me suffer though that, and now you want me to become that monster again because you're so fucking desperate!" Yoongi turns to glare at Namjoon, eyes sharp as knifes. "I thought you were smarter than that, Detective Kim."

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