● Bitter Truths ●

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"Did we really have to bring him along? He's not part of this case anymore." Detective Kang mutters lowly, but Yoongi still hears him anyways and throws him an evil glare,  as if saying 'kiss my ass'.

"Look, just humor him for now. We'll report him later to the boss." Detective Choi mutters back as he approaches the crime scene where the forensics team and a few other officers were already working.

There was a lot of commotion with officers going in and out of the house, and Yoongi quietly follows along as the three enter the house, the air around them tenses as they find the place a mess, with glass everywhere and broken furniture.

The most disturbing was the body of Officer Jeon in the middle of the living room, laying in a pool of his own blood, with multiple stab wounds and the murder weapon embedded into the side of his skull.

"Fucking hell." Detective Kang grumbles, holding his hand over his mouth as he turns away from the pungent smell of blood that filled the room.

"Why the fuck did the killer go after Detective Jeon? This makes no sense." Detective Choi ponders as he kneels down to get a closer look at the dead officer.

Yoongi moves around the room, taking in the mess of glass and broken furniture. There was a struggle, then a fight, which led to the stabbing of Officer Jeon. Just by the wounds alone, Yoongi can tell it was not the killers doing.

The wounds on Officer Jeon's body were extreme, having more than 100 stab wounds, with the final blow being a knife to the head. The serial killer killed for fun, but this was personal, and whoever killed Officer Jeon wanted him dead.

With that aside, Yoongi leaves the house and steps outside, taking out his lighter and lighting up a cigarette before taking out his phone and looking up Hoseok's number.

The real reason he joined Detective Choi and Detective Kang was because he overheard the conversation between Namjoon and Solar. He saw when Solar called Namjoon into the office and knew right away it had something to do with the case, more importantly with Hoseok.

He heard everything, even down to the part where Solar revealed the evidence he found was tied into the killings, automatically making Hoseok a prime suspect, and most likely the killer.

As sad as Yoongi was, he was also pretty pissed off, but mostly at himself. He can't believe he really got played like that, and worst of all he let his guard down and let Hoseok fuck him too. Damn, why did it have to be Hoseok? Out of all the guys in the world, why did it have to be Hoseok as the serial killer?!

"Damn it sunshine, I was starting to like you too." Yoongi heavily sighs then puffs out a dull cloud of grey narcotic smoke, watching as it fades into thin air, just like his trust in people.

Yoongi's phone then rings, and he looks down at it, frowning when he sees its Jimin calling. Strange, Jimin never calls him at this hour.

Yoongi answers the call. "Jimin, what is it?" He asks, but the line is silent, with the sound of heavy breathing echoing into Yoongi's ear, making his skin crawl a little. "Jimin? If you are drunk calling me then fuc-"

"Yoongi...help...me." Jimin's faint voice trembles through the phone, sending a wave of goosebumps up Yoongi's spine. "Help...me.."

"Jimin?! What happened?" Yoongi asks, his voice rising with his anxiety as he holds the phone closer to his ear, barely able to hear Jimin from how low he was breathing. "Where are you!"

"Home...." is all Jimin says before the line goes silent.


It took a while, but Namjoon manages to find the residential complex where Yoshido Myazaki lived. He parks his car and checks the address to make sure it matches the one on the house that was in front.

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