● Origins pt.2 ●

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Still in the past...

"Have you ever had the urge to kill someone?"

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"Have you ever had the urge to kill someone?"

Namjoon lifts his head up, eyes narrowing as he gives Yoongi a strange stare. Both were chilling out in an alley with nothing else to do but fuck around and spray paint the walls.

"Sometimes." Namjoon replies, shrugging it off as small talk as he returns to spraying the wall with neon green paint. He's had those urges before, especially with annoying ass customers at the gas station or his stepfather being a cunt to him.

But those were just spur of the moment urges, nothing too serious.

"I've been getting them alot lately." Yoongi continues. "It's like...this tick in my mind that craves the sight of blood. My body gets turned on just thinking about it." Yoongi shudders, letting out a soft moan.

Namjoon stops what he's doing and stares at Yoongi, wide eyed. He's never heard Yoongi talk like this before. "That's not something that should turn you on." Namjoon says, still giving Yoongi that wide eyed stare. "Yoongi, do we need to have a talk?"

Yoongi looks to Namjoon and lets out a very low and eerie laugh, one that makes goosebumps rise all up Namjoon's arms.

"You should see your face." Yoongi points his long finger at Namjoon with a grin. "Are you scared?"

Namjoon relaxes alittle, taking it as Yoongi was most likely joking, even though the joke was not really funny. "You fucking dick, you had me there for a moment." Namjoon scoffs and returns to vandalizing the walls with a lewd drawing of a penis. "You wanna head back home? I'm getting bored." He adds on as he looks over to Yoongi.

"Don't be such a pussy, the night is young and we have this whole city as our playground." Yoongi says as he pushes Namjoon up against the wall, slowly licking his lips as he bats his eyes lovingly. "C'mon baby, daddy wants to play." He purrs, his tone darkening just the slightest.

Namjoon picks up on it and smiles mischievously. When Yoongi says he wants to play, he means do more than tag walls with graffiti.

"What does daddy want his baby boy to do?" He asks, his voice dropping low and husky, both hands wrap around Yoongi's small waist, tugging him in close.

So many options run through Yoongi's mind, but suddenly and a noise from down the alley catches his attention.

Yoongi glances down the alley, eyes narrowing, lips curling into a gummy smile as he sees a young woman stumbling as she walks, her hair a mess as a drunken smile displays upon her lips.

A perfect prey.

Namjoon catches Yoongi's gaze and looks to the girl, then back to Yoongi, his baby boy act dropping as a serious expression arises. "Yoongi, I'm not going to rob her. I stopped robbing people when I got a job."

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