● Frenemies ●

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"Damn, I hate working the night shifts..." Jimin mutters under his breath as he fumbles with his house keys while holding his work bag with one hand and a bag of groceries in the other.

It was about close to seven am when Jimin got back home from working at the nightclub. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically, and all he wanted was to take a nice warm bath, cuddle up in his soft silky sheets, and stalk hot guys on Instagram and study for his exams.

When Jimin isn't dancing and whoring his body at night, he's studying at home for his online classes. Jimin is studying to be a teacher, specifically a dance teacher.

He loves to dance, its his passion. But his parents were against it. Actually, they were against many things, one of them being that Jimin is also bisexual. Yes, its a typical sob story.

Jimin came out to his parents, they got mad and kicked him out, so he had to resort to selling his body just to pay for his education. The club he works at allows him to dance and use his passion to earn him money, unfortunately, it also earned him the reputation of being a whore.

Its whatever really. Jimin knows this is temporary, until he comes up with enough money to pay for his college. Once he's done, he'll fuck off from that lifestyle and pursue his dreams to teach dance.

Jimin places the groceries away and struts to his room, humming a light tune to lift his mood as he opens his bedroom door and flicks on the lights.

Only to let out a short scream, his body hitting against the wall and sliding down as he clutches his chest and tries to regain his composure.

"Hoseok! What the hell are you doing here!"

Yes, you heard correctly. Hoseok, the serial killer who has been plaguing the streets of Seoul, is laying upon Jimin's bed, smoking a cigarette while being shirtless, exposing all of his marks that Yoongi left on him after their rough sex.

On the ground next to him was an open box of tampons, with two wrappers crumbled up next to it. Jimin didn't even want to know why there were tampons in his room. He just wanted Hoseok out.

Long story short, Jimin and Hoseok are roommates. When Jimin first met Hoseok, he had no idea that Hoseok was a serial killer, until he came home one night and found a dead girl on his kitchen table, gutted like a fish.

Yes, he screamed, yes he went to call the police, but Hoseok got to him first, threatening him with a knife and telling him that if he calls the cops, both will end up in prison.

Obviously Jimin didn't want to go to prison, and he didn't want to die before he completed his dreams of becoming a teacher. So he sucked it up and made an agreement with Hoseok; He spares Jimin's life, and in return, Jimin won't say a word.

"Jiminie." Hoseok smiles brightly at him, puffing out a cloud of narcotic smoke into the air before getting off the bed and striding over to Jimin, pushing him up against the wall and blowing another puff of smoke in the younger males face. "I need a favor."

"I'm not sucking your dick, especially since you look like an animal attacked you." Jimin maneuvers away from Hoseok, getting as far away as he can.

"I'm not here for that. I want something even better." Hoseok grabs Jimin and hugs him from behind, taking a quick puff of his cigarette and blowing the smoke into Jimin's ear, making the shorter male cringe.

"Get off me!" Jimin whines, but Hoseok holds him tighter, nearly squeezing the life out of Jimin.

"The animal who did this to me was a tough kitten with a bad attitude, exactly my type." Hoseok spins Jimin around and slams him against the wall, taking the cigarette between two fingers and pointing it dangerously close to Jimin's neck. "I want his number and I know you have it."

"Who are you fucking talking about?!" Jimin groans and turns his head away from the stench of cigarettes on Hoseok's breath.

Hoseok grabs Jimin by the chin, forcing him to look upon his eyes, reflecting nothing but pure malevolence onto Jimin. "I'm talking about that detective, the one with the bad attitude. I know you have his number Jimin." Hoseok's grip tightens around Jimin's chin, nearly cracking it under the pressure.

Jimin wails under the pressure, the heat of the cigarette was too close to his jugular and Hoseok was seconds away from breaking his jaw. "You mean Yoongi?!  He's a cop! Why do you want his number?!"

Hoseok lets out a gruff chuckle, then brings the cigarette to his lips and inhales the toxic fumes before blowing it in Jimin's face again. "I want to have fun with my kitten, but if you won't give me the number, I'll just cut off your nipples and chew on them while I go through your phone and look for his number myself."

"Alright! Here!" Jimin gives in and digs into his pocket, frantically taking out his phone and going through his contact list before finding Yoongi's number under the name Daddy.

Hoseok laughs hysterically as he takes the phone and jots down the number in his own phone before tossing Jimin's phone onto the bed, away from Jimin's reach.

"Are you going to kill him?" Jimin whispers, his voice comes out weak and panicked. He really doesn't want anything to happen to Yoongi because he really likes Yoongi.

Hoseok scoffs. "Of course, but I'm going to have fun with my kitten first." Hoseok rolls his shoulders back, eyeing Jimin from head to toe. "I don't want you talking to Yoongi anymore, he's mine."

Jimin nods, not wanting to piss off Hoseok. But secretly he needed to warn Yoongi. "Okay Hoseok, I won't talk to him anymore." He says calmly. "Now can you please get dressed and get out." Jimin scoffs as he walks to his bathroom and turns on the light.

Only to scream, yet again, as he lays eyes upon a dead guy in his bathtub. "Oh my god!" Jimin covers his mouth, bile already reaching its way up his throat as he stares at the body, especially at his intestines that were nearly bulging out of his punctured stomach.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you the bathroom is currently occupied." Hoseok giggles hysterically, loving the horrified expression on Jimin's face.

Jimin turns to leave but Hoseok shoves him into the bathroom and throws him on the floor, right in front of the body.

"Hoseok, no!" Jimin struggles to get out, but Hoseok grabs him by the hair and shoves his face against the dead guy, making Jimin vomit all over his face.

"I'm fucking serious Jiminie." Hoseok growls, his playfully sinister tone now replaced by raw anger and aggression. "The detective is mine." He seethes, resting his lips against Jimin's ear as he pushes Jimin's face up against the dead guy.

"If you go anywhere near him, speak to him, or so much as breathe in the same space as him, I'll fucking gut you like a pig and leave your fat ass to hang in the middle of the street for everyone to see." Hoseok growls into Jimin's ear as he takes out his knife.

Jimin nearly shits himself as he feels the cold tip of Hoseok's knife at his throat, making him sob instantly.

"I promise...I won't talk to him." He cries, wanting this nightmare to end. "Please don't hurt me Hoseok, please..." he begs, just like they always do. How pitiful.

In a matter of seconds, Jimin is flipped over onto his back, with the knife pressed firmly against his throat, and Hoseok hovering above him with a sadistic smile and a wild fire in his eyes.

"Good boy Jiminie, I'm glad we both can come to an agreement." Hoseok gently slaps Jimin's tear stained cheeks, then  releases the pressure of the knife from Jimin's throat and gets off him.

Jimin scrambles to his feet and runs out of the bathroom before kneeling over and vomiting on his bedroom floor.

"Fucking pussy. Can't even handle a measly dead body." Hoseok scoffs as he shuts the bathroom door, ignoring Jimin's weak cries as he then stares at the body, a cold smile plays on his lips while he examines it.

This time he decided to change things up. He wasn't going after women anymore, he was going after men.

Specifically, men that resembled Min Yoongi.

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