♧Chapter38:I Love You, My Dobe♧

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Naruto POV:

What's going on? W-Where am I? Why can't I see anything? It's so dark and cold here...I'm scared. S-Sasuke, wait ...where is Sasuke? Is he alright? Did Kiba win? I ...I ...I tried to scream, but my voice only echoed through my head. Along the time I started to hear voices and sounds, but no matter how much I tried I couldn't react. I heard machines beeping? Doctors talking? I heard Gaara talk to me and Itachi, Deidera even Shikamaru...But what hurt the most was hearing him...Sasuke. Is this a dream? Am I dead and imagining it?
He would regulary come to talk to me and at some point I...I was awake, only to realize that I wasn't. I could see my body in a hospital bed, I could see Sasuke and how much he was suffering. I tried to touch him, to talk to him, but it was all poinless. So I am in a coma?
I tried to wake myself up. I screamed to the top of my lungs that I was there. No one heard me. No one noticed me, but I couldn't give up no matter what. I had to keep trying. I couldn't leave him behind, all alone.
That's until I heard and watched them discuss my own death. Sasuke looked broken and miserable. His eyes were dull, yet bloody red, probably from crying. He looked like he had lost a lot of weight, as if he wasn't skinny enough to begin with. The darkest eyebags that I have ever seen were under his eyes. His lips were dry, his hair messy. If the structure 'walking-death' had a human form, Sasuke would be that. It broke me, too, to see him like that. He fought with all his might, he was the only one who hadn't given up on me and he even ended up in the hospital...It was all my fault. I saw his expression, his gaze and I realized what he had in mind. I couldn't let that happen, hell no. Then he came to say good-bye. No...he was going to kill himself, just because of me and there was nothing I could do...I screamed, I cried, I begged...and yet it was all in vain. He didn't hear me. He left...

A weird dark figure appeared out of nowhere. I was terrified. Is that Death? Ironic how I have been looking for it my entire life and now that I don't want it anymore... It had showed itself to me. I didn't get to talk or ask any questions.
"You're too early. It's not your time to be dancing with me, yet... " was all I heard before I opened my eyes in my normal body. I was surrounded by nurses and doctors who looked like they had seen a ghost. Oh, they were about to disconnect me. I gasped for air and sat up looking around frantically. Sasuke....Sasuke...I need to stop him. I don't know how, but I disconnected myself from all those medical things and dashed off, ignoring all the calls that said to come back and stop. I feel so weak, I don't even know how I'm moving, but I ran and ran until my lungs hurt and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest any moment now. My body just moved on its own. I don't know how, but it just knew where to go. Please let me get there in time. PLEASE!

3rd Person POV:

Since nobody managed to stop Naruto, the hospital immediately announced the police and Itachi. Itachi could't believe what he was hearing. Deidera who was right next to him overrheard the conversation and was shocked as well. As soon as the call ended they both ran to Sasuke's room to give him the good and bad news. To their surprise no one was there. The room was clean and the bed was made. That was the first red flag that Itachi got.
Deidera curiously looked around until he spotted a letter on his bed. Itachi noticed it as well and instantly grabbed and opened it. His hands were shaking and he was fearing for the worst. Deidera checked the bathroom just in case, but it was empty. He came back to find Itachi shaking and crying.
"Ita?" he asked unsure, realization finally hit him. He was about to hug him, but Itachi started running downstairs. He put his shoes on and grabbed a jacket and so did Deidera. They used all their connections and soon Naruto and Sasuke were searched for by a numerous number of police officers...but it was too late, wasn't it?

Sasuke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was ready...a genuine smile was plastered on his face while tears streamed down his pale skin as he took his last step.
Just as he was about to let himself fall a hand grabbed his arm and yanked him back, causing them both to stumble backwards, away from the edge. Sasuke was pinned down to the ground, somone on top of him. He felt drops of water hit his face as he slowly opened his eyes. Sasuke's jaw dropped at the sight. The fact that he was flabbergast was an understatement.
"A-Am I dead? Is this a d-dream? I don't want to wake up again..."
"YOU IDIOT. HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID AND SELFISH. YOU KEEP CALLING ME AN IDIOT, BUT THE ONLY IDIOT HERE IS YOU. H-HOW COULD YOU HAVE POSSIBLE THOUGHT ABOUT DOING SOMETHING SO RECKLESS? WHAT ABOUT ITACHI? DEIDERA?" he yelled frustrated, shaking with fear at the thought that he could have lost him if he had gotten there a moment later. Naruto was panting heavily. He continues crying, but hugs the other and burries his face in his chest. One moment Sasuke hugs back, the next he flips them over, getting on top of him. He touches Naruto all over to reassure himself that he was real. Naruto was surprised, but he couldn't blame the other. Sasuke pulled him in a sitting positiona and hugged him tighter than ever...like his life depended on it and there was no tomorrow. He needed to make sure that he wasn't going anywhere. Naruto just hugs back just as tightly. They stayed like that for a while until Sasuke pulled back. He pinched himself, tried to read something and just test everything to convince himself that wasn't a dream. He needed to grasp that the other wasn't an illusion. That he didn't go crazy.

Naruto watched him for a while, unsure of what to do. Soon a small smirk appeared on his face.
"What about this? Is this proof enough?" he asked before crashing his lips againsts Sasuke's who immediately kissed back. At first it was a sweet, gentle and loving kiss. Sasuke pulled Naruto in his lap and closer to him. He then placed one hand on his cheeks and stroke it gently. Naruto wrapped his arms around his neck, scooping closer as well. The kiss turned extremely passionate and heated. Their bodies just reacted on their own, showing just how hungry they have been for each other's touch...
Unfortunately they had to pull back for air. Sasuke hugged him really tight once again, a new wave of tears making their way down his cheeks. He was a sobbing and a crying mess and so was Naruto. They burried their faces in each other's shoulder, comforting one another. Sasuke moved one hand to the back of his head, gently brushing his fingers through his soft hair. Naruto melted in his touch...
"Don't leave me a fucking gain, Naruto ." he chocked out
"I won't. I won't ever leave you alone again." he promised while tightening his grip

*Time skip after the longest hug ever*

Naruto explained Sasuke everything and soon he realized the state his boyfriend was in. He was wearing a hospital gown and no shoes. His feet and legs were badly bruises making him frown. He took off his jackt and hoodie, leaving himself in just a t-shirt. He dressed Naruto with the hoodie and the jacket before standing up and picking him bridal style. He had to bring him back to the hospital
"You reckless, dobe..." he scolded
"Look who's talking, teme. You're going to get sick. Keep at least the jacket."
"Shut up."
It was quiet for a bit before Sasuke spoke again
"I love you so fucking much..." he whispered, a small smile on his face even though a tear ran down on each side of his cheeks. Naruto was taken aback a little, but he returned the smile with a heart-warming one. He slowly unwrappped one hand fom around Sasuke's neck and used his thumb to carefully whipe them away. He pecked his lips softly.
"I love you, too, Sasuke. More than anything including ramen." he whispered back, pretty much ruining the moment, but earning a chuckle from Sasuke. Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck once again and nuzzled his chest. He was so warm. He felt safe. It was so nice to be back in his boyfrien's arms.
As soon as they arrived in town, they were soon surrounded by a couple of police cars.
"Oh fuck. I am so dead." he mumbled, recalling the letter that he had left behind

The End

So... I know it took me awhile, but this fanfic. has finally come to an end. I will update the Alternative Ending soon plus if you guys want I can write a sequal chapter to this ending so you know what happened afterwards....or idk if you have any requests of scenes that you wished had happened.
Anways... Thanks a lot for reading it and for the support, especially of those who put up with me and kept reading despite my slow updates. Stay safe!


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