♧ Chapter 5: I'll Be Your Friend ♧

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Naruto POV:

"How about I'll be you're friend?" This phrase kept echoing through my head. Was this a dream?
"Oi, dobe, are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah, I...can you repeat that?"
"Tschh...how about I'll be your friend?"
"For real?"
"Are you sure? What if you'll get bullied because of me what if people will start hating you?"
"Yes, I am sure. As if someone would dare to mess with an Uchiha. I don't care about other's opinion."
Wow...he's soo cool. I can't even explain how happy he made me. Without even realizing what I was doing I hugged him.
He hugged back.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so shocked. I just...wow. This is the best day of my life, dattebayo"
I flashed him a big goofy smile, a real one this time. To my surprise he smiled back, even if it was a small one.
"What do you mean by we share the same pain?"
When I asked that question his head sank.
"My parents were also killed when I was 5..."
My eyes soften as I put an arm on his shoulder just as he did before.
"My only family left is my big brother. When I was 5 I returned home from kindergarten. As I stepped into the house I found my parents laying in a bath of blood."
Sasuke started trembling, I could feel how hurt he was, some tears rolled down my face.
"I woke up the next day in the hospital. Apparently I passed out from the shock. My father, always used to look down on me because I wasn't worthy enough of being an Uchiha. I wasn't as perfect as my brother. Until I was 10 I was a flipping crybaby. I used to wake up crying and screaming most nights. Then after a while I started hiding my emotions and I was filled with hatred. When I was 13 years old I...I attempted suicide. I slit my writs open, if it weren't for my brother I would have succeeded and escaped this damned place. During that time I caused my brother a lot of pain so that's why I have never attempted it again. I've dealt with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm etc. just like you. I've gotten better over the years. Everyone thinks that I'm perfect, that I have the perfect life, perfect family. They think I'm so cool...they only care about how rich and popular I am. My whole life I've been surrounded by fangirls. But I usually ignore everyone. Apart from my brother and his lover I used to dislike everyone. Now you and my brother and his lover are the only persons who mean something to me..."
Sasuke tried to keep his cold expression but he was so hurt. I hugged him tightly just like he did to comfort me.
"This is crazy. We've been in the same class last year, too, yet it took us just one day to become this close." I said
"You're officially my best friend. Whenever you need some one I'm here for you. You don't have to pretend being cold and emotionless with me. I won't judge you."
"And you are my best friend, too. Here is my phone number and this is my address. If you ever need something just say it. Don't keep cutting yourself. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. And you also don't have to act with me."
"Thank you so much Sasuke."
"I should be going. It's already late."
"Cya, tomorrow."
"If you want to I can pick you up. I'll wait for you outside the apartment at 7:30. Bye"
"Okie, bye" I said waving and smiling. I'm so happy right now. I started cleaning my apartment a little and then I went to the fridge and prepared some ramen ignoring the voice who said that I was fat. I actually am looking forward for tomorrow.

Sasuke POV:

I was walking home with my black hood on and headphones in my ears. I was currently listening to Agust D- The Last and thinking about today.

I smiled a small smile at the thought of the blonde. I don't even know how it happened but now we are best friends. I never had a best friend. I usually dislike humans. Also he made me realize something important.
As soon as I stepped into my house I took my shoes off and yelled after Itachi.
"I'm in the kitchen, Sasuke."
I hurried in the kitchen, he smiled at me and welcomed me home as usual. This time I didn't answer my usual 'Hn' I went to him and hugged him tight. I could tell that he was surprised.
"What's wrong Sasuke? Did something happen?"
"Yeah, the realization of what a spoiled brat I am. I'm sorry onii-san. I know that I should say it more often. Thank you so much, I love you so much. You did and do so much for me. I'm so lucky to have a big brother like you. You're always there for me and I want you to know that I'm also here for you."
I felt something wet and when I looked at Itachi he had tears rolling down his face. He hugged me back tightly.
"I love you, too, foolish little brother. You're the most precious thing to me."
After a while we broke the hug and sat at the table and ate dinner together.


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