♧ Chapter 24: I...I like you ♧

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Sasuke POV:

I opened my eyes trying to adjust them to the dark. I looked over at the clock and it said 3 am. I sighted tiredly than looked over my right at Naruto. He was tossing around in bed causing me to wake up. He started murmuring stuff and was sweating a lot. I stood up and tried to wake him up gently so I won't scare him. He opened his eyes terror-stricken.

"Naruto it's okay it was just a night-" he cut me off and hugged me. Okay, now I am confused.

"Sasuke, you're okay. Thank God it was just a dream." I hugged him back

"Are you okay?"

"Please please promise me that whatever happens you won't kill yourself."

"What are you talking about? Is this about what happened with Gaara?"

"Sorta...I had this weird ass dream and Gaara and Itachi and Deidera and Shikamaru and Lee and Choji and...and you ended up killing yourselves. I was walking on this weird dark path through some kind of woods and every time I found light it was one of you, but then each one of you killed themselves in front of me and I just had to move on and then I finally made it out of the woods and there was this cute house and it was really bright and welcoming and warm and I entered it and you were there and suddenly I felt so relieved and we hugged and... and then suddenly we were falling in the dark and you pulled out a gun and said that ...that it is all my fault and that you hate this world and me and a lot of stuff and then you shot yourself and I kept falling in the darkness...."

Naruto started hyperventilating as he was telling me his dream. I started rubbing his back trying my best to calm him down.

"Naruto, please just calm down. It was just a fucked up nightmare. I am right here and I am fine. I promise you I won't kill myself as long as you won't do it."

He was clearly taken aback. He pulled back and looked at me confused.

"Why would you say something like that?"

"Because you mean the world to me as cheesy and stupid as it might sound. I don't want to lose you ever...and I think I like you more than just a best friend. But even if you don't feel the same it doesn't change that we are best friends."

"Say what, dattebayo?"

"I've been really confused for a while now and I finally understand what this feeling is. It is love. It's like I finally have a reason to fight. And I never actually believed in love and shit like that and I always thought that like everyone's so annoying and I never wanted to have a wife and get married and have kids and like you know just be part of the stupid endless cycle but I guess-" His shocked expression turned into a heart-warming smile and then he suddenly kissed me. I was startled. I didn't expect that. As quickly as his lips touched mine he pulled back. He turned as red as a tomato.

"You talk too much, teme...I ...I like you, too." he stuttered. I started chuckling. Wow, just what is going on? This is so out of my character and it's so cheesy, yet for some reason I actually am enjoying it.

Naruto started yawning. He is so cute even while yawning.

"We should go back to sleep, we have school in 4 hours." I say while laying down.

"Yeah, we should."

I wrap my arm around him and give him a good-night peck on the cheek causing him to be embarrassed. I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Thank you for showing me what happiness is and for making me feel not lonely but wanted and loved." he whispers

"Hn." I reply softly before drifting back to sleep.

....Time skip at school....

As we were walking throught the hallways I was yet again attacked by a group of fangirls. They are so annoying. I looked over at Naruto and he looked sad. I smiled to myself and then I grabbed his hand ignoring all the girls and pulling him next to me. Now we were walking while holding hands.
"Teme...what are you-"
"You're my boyfriend right? It's normal to hold hands but I guess if u don't want to..." I started slowly and teasingly pulling my hand back. He tighten his grip around mine.
"No, it's fine." He said hiding a blush and immediatly started smiling. That's how I like to see him...like the sunshine he is...my sunshine.

Sakura POV:

I noticed girls starting to rush in a certain direction.
"Come on Sakura, it must be Sasuke." Ino said.
Just as we were about to leave I saw Sasuke...holding hands with that weird ass stupid boy. Damn it. Why is someone like him holding my Sasuke- kun's hand when I should be the one doing that. Just as they passed us I heard Sasuke saying to him that he is his boyfriend? What? I felt like I was going to exploade right then and there. I'm going to make that stupid Naruto know what hell is. Sasuke is mine and just mine and I'll do whatever it takes to have him....just you wait Naruto....I'll make you regret the day you were born...no matter what.

Hehe...To be continued....

Sasuke: WTF? That's so cheesy. Seriously? That's how u put us together? You're such a bad writer...that was lame af.
Me: Sorry? I don't really do romance and shit tbh...
Naruto: I think it's kinda cute...
Me: Thanks Naruto...
Sasuke: Hn
Me: Yeah sorry Gaara...you'll come around soon. Don't worry.

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