Chapter 25

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I open my eyes and look to my right to see Niall under the covers. I yawn and sit up. I stand up and put on my robe that was next to my bed and I walk over to Alex and remembered it was her birthday. She was sound asleep and she looked so adorable. I covered her with the blanket that was tangled with the crib. I walk out of the room and head to the kitchen. I make some tea and toast some bread. I grab the toast and my cup of tea and sit down at the counter. I bite into my toast and let the hot bread melt in my mouth. I sip some of tea and it warmed me up compared to the cold wind in london. 

" Good morning love," I look up and see Niall shirtless in the kitchen. 

" Good morning," I say and sip my tea. Niall walks over and takes a bite of my toast. 

" Hey!" I say and he laughs. I roll my eyes and go to check on Alex. I take a peek into her crib and see Alex wake up. 

" Good morning Alex," I say to her and pick her up. She was still sleepy and I sit her down on the bed. I quickly change her into a pair of jeans and a floral shirt. I slip on her UGG boots and slip on her sweater on her. I carried her back out to the kitchen and sat her down in her high chair. 

" Good morning Alex, how's my birthday girl?" Niall asks kissing her forehead. Her eyes lit up at the words "birthday girl" and she was giggling. I smile and get her birthday breakfast. I make some pancakes and put them on a plate with some syrup. I sit the plate on her high chair table and sit down. I feed her and she eats half of the pancake and then stops and pushes the rest away with her hands. 

" Okay," I say and put the plate in the sink. 

" Why doesn't daddy go put on a shirt so we can go to the park," I say and get off of the high chair. She was two and could walk some what on her own but I sit her down on the couch while I fold some clothes and change into a a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt.

" Mommy, bumbob!" Alex manages to say between babbles and I look over at her. She could never pronounce spongebob so she says bumbob. I change the channel on the TV and put the recording of spongebob on. Niall walks out with a t-shirt and jeans on and I grab my baby bag. 

" WAIT!" I here Louis yell from the hallway. Everyone including Alex turned to stare at Louis. 

" We want to come!" Harry says to me. Three boys show up in the living room and I smile, Zayn was with Jillian at the hospital. I laugh and nod my head. Liam picks Alex up and walks out the door while the rest of us follow. We hop into the black van where we had told Paul to wait for us. Liam puts Alex in her car seat and we all fight over who got to sit next to her. Liam got to sit on one side and Louis sneaked onto the other side and I stick my tongue out at them playfully. It wasn't long before we got to the park. Paul parked the car and we all hoped out. I unbuckled Alex from her car seat and I got out of the car. I carried Alex over to the swing set and put her in one of the baby swings. I swing her slowly but she kept insisting for me to go faster. I pushed her fast enough for her to be happy and for me not to be worried about her getting hurt. 

" Let's go to the slides!" Harry says stopping the swing and picking Alex up. He takes her to the slide where all the boys were. I smile and sit down on the bench and take out my ipad. I was taking pictures of Alex and the boys playing together. Liam took the ipad from me and took a picture of Alex, Niall, and I. 

" Thanks," I say after Liam and took the picture and he handed me my ipad. I slip my ipad back into the baby bag and look at the time. It was 11:50 and we had made reservations for lunch at the kiddy restaurant called chuck-e-cheese which was also an arcade. I picked up Alex and walked back over to the black van. The boys followed and we all got into the black van. I buckled Alex to her car seat and sat down next to Niall. Paul drove us over to chuck-e-cheese but a bad report came onto the radio station that was playing.

" I hope all of you are prepared for the tornado happening this afternoon!" I look over at Paul and he nods. He turns the corner and drives us back over to the flat. 

" This sucks!" Harry says and I shake my head.

" Tornados here can be pretty strong, I rather not risk it," I say and he agrees. 

" We can always celebrate back home," Niall says to Alex and she laughs. I don't even know if he knows what he just said to her. She babbles and plays with her hands. I frown and sit back in my seat. This wasn't exactly how I wanted Alex's birthday to be. Niall puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. 

" Okay kids, I want you to stay inside the flat at all times," Paul says as he pulls into the driveway. Niall gets Alex and we get out of the car. I open the door and we all get into the flat and I lock the door behind us. Apparently we have a basement so we head down and it wasn't so bad. There was a couch, a bed, a crib, and a TV. I sat down with Alex and sang her happy birthday. Harry comes running in with a cupcake with a candle. Louis lit the candle and we sang her a happy birthday and then we helped her blow out the candle.

" Happy birthday, Alex," I say to her and she giggles. Liam places the camera he had on the stand and set it to take a picture in 15 seconds. He ran back over to us and the flash went off. Now we had a memory of us on Alex's 2nd birthday. I kissed Alex's cheek as she smiles.

" I love you mommy," Alex says to me and I smile. I was so over joyed that i hugged her and I didn't want to let go of her. All of a sudden shaking started to happen and the lights went off. It was pitch black but Louis lit some candle but I feel the lips of the irish one crash into mine.  

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