Chapter 28

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I couldn't stop studying his face and noticing how perfect it was. 

" How did Alexandra happen?" I ask him and he turns red.

" I'll tell you when we get out of the hospital, but we call her Alex," Niall says to me.

" You sound like I'm a child asking about sex," I mutter.

" We had sex and then you got pregnant, you couldn't have an abortion so you had the baby," Niall whispers and I nod.

" Now, that wasn't that hard was it," I say to him, " Who shot me?" I ask him another question.

" Kailey, my ex-girlfriend shot you and kidnapped Alex before," Niall says to me.

" Is she in prison?" I ask him worried.

" Yeah, you won't have to worry about her," Niall says to me, " Why don't you go get some rest while I finish filling out some paperwork for the hospital," He says to me. A nurse gets me back into the dark room and helps me onto the hospital bed. 

" Get some rest miss," The nurse says and shuts the door behind her. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up and find myself back in the dark room. The slightest bit of light shined through the blinds and I sit up. I get off the hospital bed and walk over to the door. I open the door and look outside. I see Niall sitting in the hall.

" Niall!" I say to him and he looks up.

" What are you doing up?" He asks.

" What do you mean?" I ask him. " Where are the boys?" I ask him.

" How do you remember the boys? Your suppose to be asleep because of the anestesista," Niall says and I look at him strangely. 

" Wait, ask me something I wouldn't remember!" I say to Niall

" What happened to your parents?" Niall asks me

" They died in a car accident... Did I get my memory back, this is impossible!" I say and hug him

" Doctor! Vanessa has her memory back!" Niall says as I pull away from the hug.

" That is impossible, the cause of her memory loss was due to something the bullet had and the anestesista might have caused it to be blocked, let me go talk to the doctors," The doctor says and walks down the hall to a group of other doctors. The group of doctors walk over to us and ask me what was going on. 

" I think I might have just gotten my memory back," I say and the doctor's gasp. 

" That's impossible, congratulations but this could be something pretty incredible," The doctors say and ask for me to have them run a few tests.

" Sit down," A doctor says and shows up with a wheelchair. I sit down and the doctor wheels me down the halls. I turn around to see Niall standing there getting smaller and smaller as we get farther. 

" Where are we headed?" I ask them

" The laboratory, don't worry we're just going to sample some blood and other things," A doctor says as we enter through some double doors. I hope this won't be painful! 

" Okay, we just have three tubes and we're going to take some blood so it won't take long," A doctor says. Before I could even reply a felt a sharp needle poke into my skin. I wince and look the other way. After that one I felt two other pokes. 

" Done, now you eat your cookie and juice," The doctor says as he hands my my cookie and juice. I eat the cookie and drink my juice quickly. 

" Can I go back home today?" I ask the doctors and they turn around. 

" Depends what the results say, you were going to leave today but if there's something bad in your DNA your going to have to stay," The doctor says. I nod and the doctor takes me back to the room. The room finally had light in it and I could finally walk around. 

" I'm back," I say as the doctor leaves the room. 

" Hey," Niall says and kisses me. " Did you just have a cookie?" Niall asks tasting his lips.

" Sorry, the doctors gave me one after they took some blood," I say and kiss him again. 

" Sorry to interrupt," I hear a familiar voice say.

" Jillian!" I say and turn around. Jill and Zayn were standing at the door. Jill had crutches but she looked okay, Zayn had a few bruises but he looked okay too. 

" Oh my gosh you guys are okay!" I say and hug them.

" Didn't you lose your memory?" Jillian asks

" I did but then I got it back, long story," I say and laugh. 

" I missed you so much, and I brought you some clothes because I know you hate those hospital gowns," Jill says and hands me a bag. 

" That's why your my BFF," I say to her and run into the bathroom. I see that she had gotten me my  green peace t-shirt and my dark blue skinny jeans. I slip them on and as I take off my gown I see bruises on my chest and stomach, I had some stitches on my stomach and some on my arm. I slipped on my skinny jeans and saw my red converses! I loved these shoes they were old but I always loved loved these. 

" I'm changed!" I say as I walk out with my new outfit. " Where's Liam, Louis, and Harry? And Alex?" I ask the three of them and all of a sudden the four people I was looking for walked in the door, well one of them was carried. 

" Oh my gosh, your okay too," I say and hug them all.

" Thank you for saving Alex," I say and grab Alex from Liam.

" No prob," Liam says and smiles at Alex and I.

" Kailey committed suicide yesterday when she was put in prison," I overhear Harry say to Niall.

" What? That chick is crazy," Niall says as he walks over to me. 

" Hello Alex," Niall says and kisses her forehead. 

" I bet your starving," I say to Alex. Jillian has Zayn hand me a container of baby food. I sit down and open the container of baby food. I feed Alex half of the baby food and she pushed the rest away.

" I give up," I say and throw the plastic container away. Alex pleaded for her dad to carry her so I handed Alex over to Niall.

" Miss Vanessa, you are free to go... I didn't know you had guests, sorry," A nurse says and walks out. 

" Thanks you!" I say as she walks down the hall. I turn around and sigh.

" Home sweet home," I say and we all walk out of the room. We ride the elevator down to the garage and find Paul. I open the door and hold it open for Niall and Alex to get in. After everyone got in I closed the door behind me. I couldn't wait to get home and just relax. I'm so glad to have my memory back, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to remember the memories I had made with the Irish one. 

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