Chapter 14

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I feel a lot of pain as I wake up in a strange place. I turn my head slightly to find Jillian sitting in a chair. 

" Hey Jill," I manage to say

" Your awake!" She yells but then covers her mouth. She scoots her chair closer to the hospital bed I was in. 

" What happened?" I ask Jillian as I make my hospital bed help me sit up by pressing a button on a remote. 

" What happened? You were hit by a car, well slightly," Jillian starts to say but make her go on, " Your right leg and left arm are broken but your very lucky. The car didn't hit you entirely," She says. I think of Niall when she says entirely.

" Was Niall hit?" I ask in a panicked voice. 

" No he didn't get hit, he's practicing with the boys right now, but checks in to see if your okay every hour," Jillian says. I remember what had happened before I had gotten hit by a car. 

" Tell him I'm fine and he and I are over," I say angrily. I forgot about that until this moment. Jillian sighs and then starts to speak. 

" I was there the entire time, Niall was talking about how much he hoped you weren't mad with him and Kailey came by surprise," Jillian says brushing a strand of hair off my face. 

" Whatever, when can I get out?" I ask. I didn't want to talk to Niall right now or in a while. 

" You've been here for two days and the doctor said he's going to check on your leg and then if it's okay we can head home tonight," Jillian says texting someone. I knew it was Niall when she gave out a loud sigh. I look down at my leg and see that it was in a cast. I reach to touch it but my left arm hurt too much so I laid back. My casts were navy, I knew Niall had told the doctors to wrap it in this color. He knew it was my favorite, but I wish he hadn't signed it. A doctor walks in and asks me questions.

" Are you feeling okay?" The doctor asks. Okay? My leg and arm were broken, I was not okay. 

" Yeah, my leg and arm don't hurt as much," I lie. my leg and arm hurt but I knew it was going to go away. 

" I think you can head home today," The doctor said checking my leg and arm. He gave some pills which helped a lot with my pain. A while after the doctor left I heard a knock at the door. It was Niall. I covered my face with my good hand. 

" Vanessa? Are you feeling better?" Niall asks

" No... I don't feel better. my heart is shattered as well with my leg and arm," I say and take my hand of my face. 

" I don't love Kailey anymore, I love you and I know you still love me," Niall says and walks out the door. I did love him and I didn't want him to leave

" Wait!" I yell and he walks back and stands at the doorway. " Your right, I do love you," I say and he smiles. He walks over to the hospital bed and gives me a light kiss. He walks back out the door and out of the hospital. I turn to Jillian who was staring at something on the nightstand next to the hospital bed. I turn my head and see a jewelry box with white roses. The roses were so beautiful. Jillian helps me open the jewelry box and I see a bracelet with charms. There were three charms, a music note, a clover, and an eiffel tower with a heart. I slip on the bracelet and smile. Jillian squeals and gives me a light hug. 

" He really does love you," Jillian says and looks at the bracelet. Jillian looks at her phone and hands it to me. It was Niall. If he wanted to talk to me why didn't he do when he was here. 

" Hello?" I ask as I put the phone up to my ear. 

" Did you like my present?" Niall asks

" No... I loved it!" I say and I hear Niall give a sigh of relief. I laugh and he sighs again. 

One Thing. One Love. One Direction. ( Niall Horan Fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora