Chapter 21

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I wake up, not drunk, and find myself hugging Niall. I remember Alexandra and run out of the room trying to find her. Liam was sitting down with Alexandra and I gave a sigh of relief. 

" She's hungry!" Liam shouts to Harry

" Here!" Harry runs over to Liam and hands him a container of baby food. 

" Thanks guys," I say and yawn. I grab a cup of tea and drink it quickly. Niall walks in and kisses me on the cheek. I quickly go back and get changed. I quickly put on a purple tunic with a pair of leggings. I walk out with my navy hand bag and Niall decided to join us for dinner and I quickly dress Alexandra and I change her diaper. After I finished doing that stinky job I put Alexandra in her carriage and I make sure I have everything before I met Niall's mother. Niall offered to take Alexandra and I agreed. Niall puts Alexandra in her car seat and I get in the convertible. Niall puts the roof over the car so Alexandra wouldn't be get a sun burn. It wasn't long before we got to the Japanese restaurant and I took one deep breath before I got out and Niall got Alexandra out of her car seat. He put her in the stroller and we entered the restaurant. 


My mum was nice and I just hope she was going to be that way with Vanessa. I see my mum sitting down in a waiting area and we walk over and greet her. 

"Hi Mrs. Horan," Vanessa says and hugs my mum. My mum accepted the hug and then greeted me. She looked at Alexandra and instantly fell in love with her. She tickled and made funny faces and made her laugh, I was glad she was in a good mood. 

" Party of four," Vanessa says to a waitress and the waitress leads us to a table. Another waitress brings a high chair and I sit her down but put a blanket under her before she sat down. I sat down next to Vanessa and my mum sat across from us. 

" Can I get you started with some drinks?" The waitress asks us and we all were fine with water. The waitress left and we were left with awkward silence.

" So, mum how is everyone back home?" I ask trying to break the silence. 

" Great, so Vanessa how are you doing?" my mum asks and I decide not to stare at Vanessa for an answer because I didn't  want to put pressure on her.

" Good, thank you Mrs. Horan," Vanessa replies and I give a sigh of relief when she answered.

" Oh please, call me Maura," My mum says and Vanessa smiles. I was glad that dinner was off to a great start. Dinner went by very fast and we said our goodbyes and we all headed back home. My mum whispered something to Vanessa which made her laugh. I ask her what it was but she shakes her head. We exit the restaurant and I place Alexandra back in her car seat. I jump into the driver's seat and turn to face Vanessa. I knew that I had to break the news about me and the boys being booked with concerts and interviews and I wouldn't be able to be with her full time like this week. 

" Babe, I need to tell you something," I start and Vanessa looks at me worried.

" Yeah?" She asks in a very sexy voice. Her hair was put up in a bun and her shirt made her look so beautiful.

" I'm not going to be able to be with you full time next week, the boys and I are booked with..." Vanessa cuts me off,

" I understand," Vanessa says to me and kisses me lightly. Her lips tasted like strawberry and they were soft and warm. I buckle my seatbelt and start to drive back to the flat. When we got to the flat Vanessa got Alexandra and walked back into the flat. 


I had to feed Alexandra so I quickly walked into my room and gave her breast milk. Once she finished she fell asleep and I put her in her crib. I put the baby monitor next to the crib and walk out of the room. Niall was sitting in the couch and I sit down next to him. He wraps his arm around my waist and I laugh.

" Okay love birds, we're going to pick up some Nando's and come back to watch a movie," Jillian says and leaves hand in hand with Zayn. I nod and walk over to Harry who was standing in the kitchen.

" Hey Hazza," I say and give him a hug. 

" Hey Vaness," Harry says and pulls away, " Did Niall tell you we were booked?" He asks.

" Yeah, I have Jillian but it's going to be no fun without you guys," I sigh and grab a bottle of water. He rubs my shoulder and Niall walks in. 

" Vanessa, Sean wants to talk to you," Niall says and hands me his phone.

" Hello?" I ask as I put the phone up to my ear. 

" Hey, can I visit my niece tomorrow?" Sean asks 

" Yeah, sure come by at noon," I say and hang up. I hand Niall his phone, I hug him and his chest was warm against my cold skin. Jillian walks into the kitchen with Zayn and a bag of Nando's in her hand.

" Here Niall, I thought you would want some," Jillian says and hands Niall a doggy bag. Louis walks in and hugs Harry then grabs a plate and serves himself some Nando's.

" What's up?" I ask Louis

" The sky!" Louis yells and skips out of the room. All of a sudden the door bursts open. I run out of the room and see Kailey standing at the doorway. 

" YOU BOYFRIEND STEELER!" Kailey yells. OH CRAP! Bitch is back!

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