Chapter 41

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" Mommy, I miss you." Alex whines through the phone. I lean back on the headboard wanting to pick up my car keys and drive over to Sean's house to get Alex, but I wasn't strong enough for the both of us.

" I miss you more, sweetie." I told her. She sniffed on the other side of the phone and then I hung up. If I hadn't she would've heard me break down, and then she'd be confused. She would ask questions that I didn't have answers to.

" Don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault." Harry says as he walks into the room with take out dinner. I shake my head and bring my knees up to my chest. How could I not hate myself for this?

" Here." He says, holding out a paper bag with food. I don't take it, food being the last thing on mind. He sighs and places the food onto the nearby nightstand.

" Fine." He grumbles, " Don't eat, just talk." I stare at him, hurt and confused at his sudden tone.

There stood Niall at the door, a look of hope on his face as I stared at him.

" Why the hell is here? " I push past Harry and make way over to Niall. I grabbed the doorknob and jerked it open, taking one last glance at the two before throwing it closed behind me. I walked down the corridors of the hotel, lost and just aimlessly walking in different directions.

" Vanessa, stop." I froze at the sound of his voice.

" Don't you understand?" I muttered, talking a few steps towards him.

" Things could never go on the way they use to." I insisted. He shook his head in disbelief, grabbing my arm and stopping me from leaving.

" Why are you so afraid of trying?" He muttered. I pulled my arm away from his grasp and sighed.

" You don't think I'm trying?" I whisper.

One Thing. One Love. One Direction. ( Niall Horan Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now